Non-Verbal Communications Techniques

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Non-Verbal Communications Techniques

Non-Verbal Communications Techniques


Non-verbal communications is helpful for peoples to discover about this dimension of human behavior. One component is simply learning the information, setting up the categories in the mind, getting oriented to the problem. But much of the learning desires to be through getting the “feel" of it, by "doing" these behaviors, and varying them. Role playing, a derivative of psychodrama is a natural and particularly effective way to learn this skill. For example, you can only educate astronauts about discovering to get about in none gravity by really simulating the experience in special air travel of airplanes, etc. There might be some initial briefings, addresses, measurements of others' familiarity, and that may reduce the sense of disorientation before it occurs, but the genuine learning occurs only in the "doing." function playing is the simulation procedure for interpersonal skill learning. The function playing methods of enactment, function reversal, increasing two-fold, the mirror, replay, and others all offer a kind of experiential "viewpoints" for conveying such subtle body-languages into sharper awareness. It is worthwhile to mention to Part 1 while reading through this paper, which complements Part 1 by showing how profiting this sensitivity and perception may be practiced. Let's restate again though the major categories of nonverbal communications that are: personal space, eye contact, position, posture, paralanguage, expression, gesture, touch, locomotion and physiologic responses. (Marrone, 1990, 300)

Discussion and Analysis

Learning about this dimension is good for people-helpers, therapists; those who need in the long run to educate people how to discover about this dimension! But in addition, I envision this being educated in high school, school, expert training, management teaching, etc, as part of any curriculum of communal and emotional learning. (Marrone, 1990, 300)

For psychologists, learning about nonverbal communications goes farther in helping therapists realise the many-leveled dynamics of interpersonal functioning. For clients or patients in treatment, they become more empowered, psychologically-minded and self-aware! So I think some constituent of this kind of learning would be a mighty adjunct to any holistic therapeutic approach. (Marrone, 1990, 300)

Some psychotherapists have utilised videotape playback to promote some insight about the dynamics conveyed through nonverbal communications, but that approach needs mechanical gear and the time to set it up, somebody to run it, and often a good deal of time spent in reviewing the non-edited tapes. Happily, function playing methods can often accomplish much the same outcome without these disadvantages or hindrances. (Marrone, 1990, 300)

Also, the process of exploring problems in this experiential fashion often evokes a larger degree of group cohesion as people work simultaneously to stage and commentaryary on the interactions. There are components of novelty, playfulness and creative dispute in enacting scenes, which further builds a larger degree of involvement. (Marrone, 1990, 300)

Role Playing Techniques

Often persons will not effortlessly realize the influence of the nonverbal communications engaged in a position except it is replayed and sharp out. For this, the role playing method called "the reflector" is often ...
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