Negotiation Report

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Negotiation Report

Negotiation Report

This paper would focus on presenting a negotiation report between two parties in a license agreement, Faux Stone Enterprises and Jo Stone. Faux Stone is the Grantor in the license agreement, whereas, Jo Stone is the Licensee. The issue between the two parties arose, when the Licensee decided to use material produced from Granite Machine that they have taken from Faux Stone on license. Jo Stone claims that it had consulted Faux Stone for the use of the product produced from the machinery in kitchen, but after it had started using the product for the customers in their kitchens, there have been several issues. The Jo Stone claims that the Faux Stone has misguided them, which has led to having angry customers who are dissatisfied with Jo Stone for providing them with low quality products, rather than the usual high quality products that are expected from them. They are of the view that this issue has also affected their image badly and will have to compensate the customer, which would be a loss for Jo Stone. Thus, Jo Stone has demanded Faux Stone to compensate for the loss. This paper would now analyze the situation and would provide the terms and conditions to promote negotiation between the two parties.

Case Analysis

The patent is a public document that gives the holder, usually the inventor unless the case of patent work, the proper rights of private property for twenty years. These rights include the exclusive use and enjoyment, the right to prohibit others from using without your consent, inheritance rights, usufruct and transmission, with the latter, the right to assign (sell) and the right to license (lease) which are the subject of our attention. Articles 74 and 75 of the Patents Act 11/1986 state that both the patent application and patent shall be transferable and may be licensed in whole or in any of the powers that make up the exclusive rights for the entire country or a part thereof, may be the exclusive or nonexclusive licensing. It also may exercise the rights conferred by the patent or application against a licensee who violates the limits of their license. This means that the patent can be sold or licensed from the same day of filing in the Patent Office and thereby obtains priority. The transfer or sale of a patent is not the means of transmission used, requiring an assessment of the patent based on the benefits that will report their holdings along its validity. Passive policies of non-consensual sale means any act of importation or sale not induced in response to demands that make users or resellers in the areas that are not licensed. Contract should also reflect the quality control that the licensor should be able to exert on the subject of the license. To keep the prestige of good degree in the market is essential to preserve its quality. Coupled with this should be mentioned the brand or brands that the product or products entering the ...
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