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Realism has a range of meanings, depending on a context in which it is used. It is associated to some type of reality always. In philosophy, Realism, or Realistic, or Realist are some concepts that express expression of philosophical practicality. There is a belief that reality subsist autonomously of observers. Realism in science and Realism in arts are two different senses the words capture in other study's fields.


Regionalism is the phrase of a common sense of individuality and purpose shared with the formation and implementation of organizations that articulate a specific characteristics and profile combined action within a physical region. Regionalism in political sense is an ideology that spotlighting on the welfare of a specific region or set of regions, whether conventional or proper.

Isolation in Women

The women who live a restricted or bounded life throughout their life-span feel themselves very isolated. Any freshness doesn't always appeal to them not after years of a well-known and fulfilling routine. If they are associated with some workplace then are recognizable with new social interactions. But a woman whose life is just a narrow with no any enjoyment then she obviously becomes a victim of depression because of feeling herself isolated in the whole world.

Indifferent Universe

This term is related in a sense when a person feels himself standing in the universe totally alone travelling toward an unknown path. This feeling is like that he or she has been died and only the deeds lonely go with him or her, but there is not an accompanying person with him only as his shadow. There is beside himself — nothing but loneliness.

Question # 2

Analyze Clemens's portrait of Jim. Does he have an independent existence in the novel or does he merely reflect the way others see him?

When the king and the duke realized that they had ...
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