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Natural Horsemanship Vs Horse Breaking

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Natural Horsemanship vs. Old Way of Breaking Horses

Natural Horsemanship vs. Old Way of Breaking Horses


The horse is a distinct and appealing animal among all other kind of animals that are used by human beings as their pet. The horse can not only be kept as a pet but also is used for riding purpose. There are different breeds and kinds of horses each having a distinct behavior and characteristics. Hence, it is important to communicate and interact with this animal according to the behavior that is suitable to the characteristics he possesses. According to the myths there is a strong relationship between human being and a horse; this terminology is known as natural horsemanship (Phillips, 2007). According to this phenomenon the human beings interact with their horses in a suitable and delicate manner. Because, they believe that the horses posses distinct behavior and often frustrate if they are not communicated properly. These people are termed as horse whisperers because they used to whisper in the ears of the horses when they wanted to communicate with them.

The natural horsemanship concept is being diminished nowadays because some people have adapted old patterns of horse breaking. The concept of horse breaking is a training framework through which the horses are trained to be obedient to their masters. In this type of training the trainers does not care about the behavior of the horses they are breeding; the most important thing is to train them according to the wish of their masters. There are different types of horse breaking in which horses are trained most of them oppose natural horsemanship concept. Most of these trainings are started in the early age of the horse in order to mold his behavior according to desired needs. This concept is related to the theory of conditioning in which the subject is conditioned to a particular behavior for which he is trained.

Discussion and Analysis

Natural Horsemanship

Human Horse Relationship

The human being is capable of understanding the horse and communicates with him through expenditure or sounds. But only if you consider that as humans are predators, because our instinct drives us to get much more violently than the horse you would with us. A horse before getting close to another animal looks, create space and distance, this difference of approach creates, sometimes, the fear that the animal feels in the presence of a man. To build a good relationship from the beginning, the most effective way of maintaining your shoulders down and not look the animal in the eye, i.e. not show superiority. It is also necessary to introduce before touching a horse for the first time since having more sensitive than humans, this phase is of great importance and must create an environment of trust (Phillips, 2007). We introduce ourselves talking to establishing contact and communicated.

It is always important to get to recognize what is expressing the animal, from fear to pleasure, to provide the best care and establish better ways of coexistence between horse ...
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