Natural horsemanship verses the old way of breaking horses
Natural horsemanship verses the breaking way
Horsemanship refers to a relationship that a man or a trainer has with his horse. Horse breaking means the trainer breaks the trainer horse so that it loses the identity with which the horse is born
John Hill from his personal experience states that the braking of the horse or getting basic control of the horse means to know him to trot or gallop.
Kelly Simpson says that she doesn't talk about control but to communicate and for that you must know how to "speak" their language, know their body signals
Pat Parili explains his personal experience related to the breaking of the horse.
There are following 3 participants in this research paper:
Pat Parili
John Hil
Kelly Simpson
Research Design
The data collected and utilized in this paper is the qualitative data. Data is based on the personal experiences of experienced horse riders.
Taking data of the experienced horse riders is the source of the collection of relevant data.
The participants that have been selected are the experienced horse riders.
Horsemanship refers to a relationship that a man or a trainer has with his horse. Horse breaking means the trainer breaks the trainer horse so that it loses the identity with which the horse is born. This is a technique by an experienced horse rider through which he breaks the horse and gets controls over it for the first time. Breaking a horse is not an easy task, it's also quite risky. Natural Horsemanship keeps the horse the same horse while teaching respect and incorporates the trainer/rider into the horse's world. Horses are herd animals and must be trained with that in mind in order to achieve the full potential of the horse.
John Hill from his personal experience states that the braking of the horse or getting basic control of the horse means to know him to trot or gallop. For a horse to start walking is simply a click and a touch of heel. When we go to step and decided to give the trot must snap and give him a few times with the heel. When we gallop, it is basically necessary to have a good control over the reins. Once we have several touches that give heel and begin to gallop to turn right have to pull a little of the right rein and give with the left heel and left it to go as it is necessary to pull the left rein and coming up with the right heel. A base for a horse tricks is a rebellious thing for when this gets up the reins not because we throw over the horse. We just have the animal's neck and let loose the reins and if the animal bucks to put us right back up the reins.
Kelly Simpson says that she doesn't talk about control but to communicate and for that you must know how to "speak" their language, know their body signals, ...