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Narrative in the Construction of Social Identities by the Media

Narrative in the Construction of Social Identities by the Media


The purpose of this paper is to elaborate the importance of narrative in the construction of social identities by media. The paper includes conceptual clarification of narrative, construction of social identities, the relationship between narratives and social identities and its importance. Examples of narratives identity is referred to make to understanding clear.

Narrative is commonly referred to as the constructive framework that depicts the social identity of events of objects or even people. Narrative can also be said to as a story but, it goes beyond the theoretical form of a story as it describes the sequence of events. Within a larger description, character is also used in the narratives.

The main question here is how the narrative structure manifests itself at the level of social organization and disclosed in the registration of social ties. The purpose of this paper is also a demonstration of how the inside of the cultural and historical narrative are the subject of the main tasks of the valuation of expression and make one's own narrative-discursive positioning of the reference to the cultural networks storylines and narrative instances.

Narrative started to gain familiarity in the interest in life stories form 1950's through 1970's. However, at the same time, negative criticism was there as it was analyzed to be subjective and the term itself was associated as being biased. The argument was that the user of the narrative, such as media, can include their opinion in describing personal experience.


Construction of Social Identities

Construction of social identities refers to as the phenomena that reflect the consciousness of objects or anything under consideration in a social context. This construction of social identities can also relate to people. Narrative is commonly used by the media in the construction of social identities of people (Grodin & Lindloft, 1996, p.39). Basically, narrative is used to reflect the social identities. This construction of social identity can be of a particular group.

The laws resulting from the divine will or nature does not explain the social construction, rather, it is described as a distinctive product of countless human choices. These choices drive specific phenomena that surpass the essentialism. One aspect of constructing social identity is to bracket the problem of individual minds - as the locus of origin, comprehension, or storage of narrative. In this scenario, linguistic phenomena are the initial focus as narrative.

Hence, we declare that identity is a social construct. The constant interaction of people with others, the formation of different kinds of communities and participation in a particular social group, all of these are actions that are performed by social actors.

The objective of constructing social identities is to explore and expose the ways in which individuals and particular groups participate and perform various activities (Hacking, 1999, p.132). A number of factors are involved in constructing the social identities including gaining knowledge about the social phenomena, have the phenomena has institutionalized, known and how humans have ...
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