Narrative Essay, Cause and Effect Essay, Argumentation Essay
If I could go back in time
If I could back in time, I would clear my bad name that I had. All those mistakes that caused me mistakes, pain and misery today are all because of the past; it is because of all the previous mistakes that I have done which have caused me great misery and pain. The concept of reflection has always been a notion of great concern and distress for a lot of people. People these days do not usually pay attention to what have they become in terms of their purpose and existence. Although when you look at yourself in the mirror to see the face, but when you take a closer look, you can identify all odds and aspects of your own soul to see. Some mystics even believe that the mirror is a window to the soul; your thinking is your soul in all its glory and malice (Valenti, pp.184).
But when I think about going back to the times of pain that I have spent, it occurs to me instantly that it is because of all this pain and misery that I am what I am today. No matter what guilt and pain that I have suffered in the past; child molestation, people laughing, fights between parents, dad absent from home for ages to earn a living and help us become what we are today, all these have played an important role in my growth, my development and even my intelligence.
Where I stand today, people salute; feel impressed or even downright threatened with the work that I have done and achieved in my life and the account of all my achievements is solely responsible for the kind of teachers and schools that I had received. Going ...