Nano Technology

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Nano Technology

Nano Technology


As nanotechnology, often nano-technology, today is the research in cluster physics and surface physics , surface chemistry , the semiconductor physics , in areas of chemistry , and yet a limited scope, in some areas of mechanical engineering and food technology ( nano- Food hereinafter). The generic term is based on all of the nano-scale research by the same single atom to a structure size of 100 nanometers (nm). A nanometer is a billionth of a meter (10 -9 m). This order marks a threshold in which the surface properties play compared to the bulk properties of materials is becoming increasingly important and increasingly quantum physical effects must be considered. In nanotechnology, so before you come to length scales on which the particular size of determines the properties of an object. This is called "induced size functions". Already play an important role in the nano-materials, which are usually produced by chemical means or by mechanical methods. Some of them are commercially available and are used in commercial products; others are important model systems for the physico-chemical and materials science research. Also significant is the nanoelectronics (Buzea, Pacheco, et al, 2007). Their membership of nanotechnology is not in the scientific and research policy practice consistently seen. One direction of development of nanotechnology as a continuation and expansion of micro technology can be viewed (top-down approach), but requires a further reduction of micrometer structures usually totally unconventional new approaches. The chemistry in nanotechnology often follows the opposite approach: bottom-up. Chemists, who usually work in molecular, i.e. sub-nanometer dimensions, build up of a multitude of individual molecular units larger molecule nanoscale composites (Buzea, Pacheco, et al, 2007).

Nanotechnology - an interdisciplinary field of fundamental and applied science and technology, dealing with a set of theoretical basis and practical methods of research, analysis and synthesis, as well as methods of production and use of products with a given atomic structure by controlled manipulation of individual atoms and molecules. Nanotechnology, nanoscience is the science and technology of colloidal systems, this colloid chemistry, colloid physics, molecular biology, the entire microelectronics. The principal difference between the colloidal systems, which include clouds, human blood, DNA and proteins, transistors, of which microprocessors are going in that the surface of these particles or large molecules, is extremely high relative to their volume. These particles occupy an intermediate position between true homogeneous solutions, alloys, and the usual macroscopic objects such as table, book sand. Their behavior is due to a highly developed surface, very different from the behavior and true solutions and melts, and objects of the macrocosm. Typically, these effects begin to play a significant role when the particle sizes in the range 1-100 nm: hence it is replacing the word colloid physics, chemistry, biology to nanoscience and nanotechnology, meaning the size of the objects in question (Buzea, Pacheco, et al, 2007).



It is believed that in the world today there is no standard that describes what nanotechnology is, what nano is (Buzea, Pacheco, et al, ...
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