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National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders

National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (Nacro)


National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (Nacro) is the largest crime reduction charity in England and Wales. They help over 73,000 people each year, reducing crime and the impact of crime in over 200 communities. There are some purposes of Nacro and they work at these purposes: Intervening early with people at risk of becoming involved in crime and antisocial behavior to prevent crime happening in the first place working with people in prison or on a community sentence to change their behavior, take steps to repair the damage they have caused individual victims and communities, and help them to move on from crime and offending, and resettling offenders after custody to find them a home, a job, skills, enable them to rebuild relationships and reintegrate into their community.

The former name of Nacro was the Central Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society (Incorporated) and it was established in December 1924.While it has changed into National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (NACRO) in 1960.In starting it was worked at offender and prisoners rehabilitation and it has becomed the biggest crime reduction charity in England and Wales. Later they were involved in British Government for policy discussion for prisons and probation services. Since 2011, its strategy has focused on extending its high-level influence at government level, with commissioners, policy makers and practitioners, and increasing its partnership work. In 1999 the organization officially became Nacro, the crime reduction charity.

The charity aims to influence Government policy on crime reduction and to work with government and other policy makers to reform the criminal justice system. Nacro has successfully run the campaign, called Change the record. The basic aim of this campaign was success argued for changes to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and to the process for carrying out Criminal Records Bureau checks.

Main Areas for focusing

There are three areas which are focused by NACRO, which are:


Nacro make projects for preventing people and get rid into troubles. They provide different support programs which are helpful for children and young for prevention of troubles. These programs create new opportunities

Offender Management

Nacro works for prisoners on post-release licenses and on community sentences. They develop different programs and services which are helpful for reducing crimes and offending .These programs create positive skills in offenders and give chance to move from crime and positive back to their communities.

Resettlement of prisoners

NACRO provide place to live and chance to education, employment and training for those people who have served prison sentence. It is better for affected people and come back into community.

Nacro's Works

NACRO works at these areas

Provide housing programs

Conduct education programs, training sessions and employment programs

Conduct programs for attitudes and behavioral changes

Conduct programs for giving guidance, information and advice

Conduct different activity related programs

Conduct Statutory programmes

Conduct Policy and practice innovations programmes

Provide Coaches for Life counseling

Achievements and performance

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