My Personal Experience

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My Personal Experience


As a Nursing student, I had an experience of clinical placement with a dying patient Indigo at the Hospital. The aim of the experience was to get a professional experience about work and learn the ability to make timely decisions, when the situation is difficult to handle. I always beleieved in providing care and a sense of belongingness to the patients in order to solve their problems and reduce their anxeity.

The fundamental idea behind such practice is easing suffering, and reflective practice. My experience and analysis say that the hospice is ideal under threat with the medical gaze on symptom management under the rubric of specialized palliative care, and the inadequacy of this approach to respond to suffering. Hospice may become a special treatment in the future. Hence the main aim of my study and experience was to learn about the effectiveness of such treatment on patients.


The name of the patient I had to deal with was Indigo. Indigo was nearing death, and she needed meticulous care, and attention. I had a great chance to learn and experiment what I wanted to know about such treatment. When I entered her room, I saw few relatives of her sitting with her who included her sister, her niece, and a man whom I was unable to identify. Indigo is a spiritual women, and I thought my extra care and attention would do a lot of good to the women. When I first entered the room, she welcomed me, and in accordance with my assumption and earleir thoughts, I went close to her and held her hand. The person sitting next to her whom I did not recognize acted as if he did not like this special attention given to her. It was quite natural as all the relative only wanted her disease to be cured and not any other thing. The important thing for me was the fact that she felt comfortable when I came close to her, and touched her hand. It is very possible that she was treated in this manner for the first time. The reason why Indigo felt at ease, the women sitting beside Indigo insisted me to continue with the Therapeutic touch.

One necessary aspect of such treatment was to make Indigo realize that she is getting treatment. I try to let make her realize that I treat her with special care. I ...
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