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My Teamwork Experience

Team Work Advertising Project

My Teamwork Experience

Decision-making is a crucial process, and the overall functions of an organization depend on that decision. Before making a decision, one should check the validity and reliability of decision. The mentality of the decision-maker has a great influence on decision, and the decision influence the entire performance of the organization. My personal opinion is that the one skilled-person can make a more efficient and effective decision rather a number of person involve in a decision.

However, teamwork is the back bone of an organization, because in order to achieve the organizational goal and missions, the coordination among the people is necessary. However, I can justify my statement by sharing my personal experience of teamwork. In the beginning of my experience, I was so excited to work with a team, because I felt it is quite easy to work as a team and the people who work as a team have high coordination and cooperation among them. The basic issue that exists in the decision-making of a team is controversy and diversity. The mindset that people have creates the differences in a decision (Dean & Sharfman, 1996).

My overall experience was really good, and I learnt a lot, but the challenges that I faced during the experience was very complicated. I worked as a team on a project of advertising. My teacher decided that which student led the team, and she selected me as a leader.

Before dealing with my teammate, I decided to improve my personal skills then I found some other perspective to become a leader and to make a better team. This perspective were helped me a lot in order to deal in reassessing my teammates' skills. I was confident about my skills as well as my teammates' skill, but there were definite areas ...
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