Music is a very popular form of entertainment since ages. Different cultures have different forms of music, which they enjoyed, but it was enjoyed as a form of entertainment by almost every society. The book also discusses the issues and history about Music.
The Middle Ages
The medieval music covers a period slightly longer than the medieval history, which is the end is usually at the end of the Hundred Years War in 1453, and covers part of the renaissance. The medieval music can be divided into four parts:Gregorian chant - school of Notre Dame - the ars nova - the music of the Renaissance.
Gregorian music
Gregory longer, He will appoint the musical notes by the first letters of the alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. This notation still used by the Anglo-Saxons. These notes are in the range Latin respectively: if, do, re, mi, fa, sol. The neumes (continued from bars and dots representing the melody) will be invented in the ninth century. The trope (one note per syllable) will be invented later by the monk Notker.
The popes who succeeded Gregory the Great to continue its work and a set liturgy progressively developed. The Frankish kings, and especially Charlemagne give a very prominent place in music (Tapper & Goetschius, 2001).
School Of Notre Dame
From the ninth century, the singing group have staged a bit more elaborate and sometimes come off the liturgical context. These "dramas" are little mediaeval ancestors of opera. Poetry and follows the same trend is the development of the troubadours (poet of the langue) and minstrels (troubadour northern France to the langue). Paris during this period becomes a very important cultural center.
The construction of the cathedral began in 1163. Composers gather in a group named the cathedral. While the Gregorian chant sung in unison, polyphony (multiple voices melodic independent of each other) is perfected under their authority. A musical composition called the motet (each voice sings a separate text) appear in turn. The musical notation (see neumes and trope) perfected her too. Finally, we note the appearance of melodious instruments in sacred music. Adam de la Halle (1240 - 1285) is one of the greatest musicians of the time. It will ensure the transition to the ars nova (Fenlon, 2009).
During a very difficult, (Hundred Years War, pestilence, religious schism) appears the ars nova. Philippe de Vitry (1291 - 1361) wrote ...