Music Business Management

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Music Business Management

Music Business Management

Music industry is booming and by the passage of time it is becoming more and more competitive and complex. To ward off this competitiveness and become successful in this complex industry requires effective and in-depth planning so as to arm the business precisely with the right elements. Envicevative Musical is a music agency we are launching with a different perspective for the industry and as a fresh breath for contemporary music lovers. The focus of the business is not yet firmly set but Envicevative Musical will pre-dominantly focus on avant-garde genre of music. This will help generate new vibe in the music industry, through the introduction of unique and kind of new product; as the genre of Avant-garde is not quite much explored by musicians. As a result of this differentiation, Envicevative Musical will be able to create distinct target market for them.

Business Plan


Strong business concept is secondary to the success of the business, what is more central to the business performance and success is planning. Although the offering of Envicevative Musical is differentiated from the entire industry with the focus being avant-garde music, if they do not focus on more pivotal aspects as how they will gain access to such music or bands and artists as it is not widely followed in the industry, how will they market their product and how will they make money, this business concept would be wasted along with the equity put into the business; thereby making Envicevative Musical music agency eventually incur loss.

Thus it becomes imperative for the detailed planning to be undertaken so as to gauge further the viability and practicality of the business, and to make certain that it survives in the highly competitive environment of the music industry; where every music agent is working after something new to offer to the market in the form of band or solo musicians. Furthermore, as Envicevatice Musical music agency is focused on introducing something innovatively new; it might require change in attitude of the mass market for the company to be successful. This change can only be instilled with the successful planning and decision making by music agency.

Background and Viability of the plan

The core business idea of Envicevative Musical music agency is, as mentioned above, to promote avant-garde genre of music in UK and the European market. The business unit of Envicevative Musical music agency will try to communicate with musicians who are somewhat innovative and trying to change patterns in the industry, but have not yet been shone the spotlight upon. The youth and youngsters in the industry are always more drawn to something that is new, they are always ready to take risks as this is the sole feature that can guarantee them to reach the pinnacle of the industry. Thus, they will be the focus of Envicevative for the production of avant-garde music and since they are not yet established fully, they are most likely to accept the offer and work with ...
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