Multiculturalism In Britain

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Multiculturalism in Britain

Table of Contents


1 Introduction2

1.1Project Topic2

1.2Purpose of the study2

1.3Context of the study2

1.4Problem statement4

1.4.1Main problem4

1.4.2Sub problems4

1.5Significance of the study4

1.6Delimitations of the study4

2Literature Review5

2.1Finding relevant literature5

2.2Reviewing the literature6

2.3Identifying research questions7


2.6Problems due to multicultural society10

2.7Recent developments11

2.8 Conclusion15

3Research Methodology16

3.1Collecting Data16

3.2Age considerations17

3.3Analysing Data17

3.4Quantitative Research17

3.5Questionnaire (only for Primary Research)19

3.6 Search Technique19

3.7Literature Search20

3.8Inclusion and exclusion criteria20

3.9Search rationale21

3.10Critical Appraisal tool21

3.11Appraisal limitations22

3.12Reliability and validity22

3.13Ethical consideration23


4Research Planning24


4.2Consistency matrix25



The paper revolves round the title that is British turning into a multi-cultural society with acceptance from both government and citizens or not. The paper is basically a research proposal. Therefore, the introduction of the paper discusses its problem statement and sub-problems. Significance of the study, delimitations, literature review, and research methodology is followed by it. Research methodology comprises of both a primary data of 100 sample size and secondary research from libraries and online data. The literature review discusses the background and current situation in Britain. After the data analysis, mainly from secondary data, the paper ends with suggestions, Gantt chart, and consistency matrix.

Is Britain turning into a multi-cultural society with acceptance?

1 Introduction

1.1Project Topic

The focus of this topic is to analyze the multicultural society of United Kingdom. How by passing years UK is becoming more and more varied and diversified culturally. How the diversified culture is affecting the society of UK. The appropriate title for this project is considered 'is Britain turning into a multi-cultural society with acceptance?'

1.2Purpose of the study

The purpose of this research is to address whether or not racism still exists within Britain today. If it still continues; to what extent does racism exist. Has it increased or decreased; or has there been a move away from racism being classed as a person's colour being different to another. Has racism turned into more of a stereotypical assumption and biased opinions? I will be looking into the history of racism and identifying the race and ethnicity problems. Identify whether or not people are still facing prejudice due to different skin colour, religion, culture or ethnicity.

1.3Context of the study

Within the United Kingdom, many years ago, black and Irish citizens experienced extreme racism by the white citizens. In the past, the UK has seemed to be overly populated by white citizens. When the country changed to a more multi-cultural Britain, it was found that people of different race and ethnicity were experiencing extreme prejudice and were often targeted for being of a different colour to the average white British Citizen. In the past, people weren't able to gain jobs due to the prejudiced they faced from British people. Within shop windows there would be signs up saying no blacks no Irish. Therefore, black and Irish people were experiencing racism at that time and were not able to gain jobs. They were often not allowed in shops by local citizens (Herrnstein 2004, 1). According to Tutton (2004), they would often get picked on and would be classed as lower class citizens “scum” as some people would say. I plan to find out within this piece of research whether or not ...
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