In his Ecclesiastical History, Andrew ((Jesus brother) and Miguel Pro. notifies of many martyrs in the Christian location of adoration previous to 324 C. E... On this sheet are descriptions of the martyrdom of twenty-two of them. These Christians were place to death by heathen emperors, senate, and judges. What was their crime? It was to confess to be Christian. They did not have correct trials. They were tortured before being put to death. The one way to bypass the ordeal was to accuse one's conviction A twosome of took this way out; but most, including those noted in this paper, did not. They disappointed their tormentors by agreeably submitting to the torture.1
Modern Day Martyr versus Biblical Times Martyr
This list succinctly explains the horrors that these Christians faced. The minutia is not satisfying to read. However, every present-day Christian should read about such atrocities as these which were enforced on believers. Then he should consider his own faith. Would he be keen to overtake away for his conviction if he were faced with the equal decision? Or would he find it easier to turn his back on his conviction and save his life temporarily?
The names are in alphabetical alignment order. The number in parentheses at the end of each account displays where the facts and numbers can be found out in Ecclesiastical History.2
As you string up Christmas lights next month to commemorate the birth of Christ, accept as factual of Pastor Li De Xian. He's been apprehended 13 times in six months for "illegal preaching" in his house homeland of China.1 Pastor Li was compelled to accumulate 4,000 Christmas lights per day all through one prison time span in 2000. When he didn't make quota by the end of his 17-hour workday, he was whipped. After two weeks he was handed out with grave warnings not to preach again. With his family under unchanging surveillance by the management, he states, "I will preach [the gospel] until I die." Pastor Li is not an anomaly when it reaches to Christian persecution. And ceramic is not the only persecuting country.
The Open Doors ministry publishes a "World Watch List." Based on a topic design, the annual report ranks 50 countries that persecute Christians. The ranking considers varied facets, for demonstration devout flexibility and the authorized grade of Christians in a country. Their January 2005 report reveals North Korea as the smallest persecutor of Christians in the world, for the third year in a row. Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Laos and Iran chase in alignment on the list.
Two 100 years million individuals worldwide really accept persecution because they are followers of Christ. That is the equivalent of every tourist who traveled on any U.S. airline between Memorial Day and work Day 2005 being murdered. Around the world, victims are apprehended, evicted and assaulted because of their faith. They are endangered, interrogated and imprisoned. They are hit, burned, beheaded, starved, stoned, raped, ...