Meditation is considered as a relaxed state of awareness of mind and body. Pain management meditations focus on emptying the mind from all the stress and connect with the reality inside our body. In order to achieve the balance of our mind and body, it is necessary that our health should be at its peak of potential. People use meditation for a majority of reasons. It is a great source of relaxation and provides benefits in eliminating unnecessary stress and tension. Meditation does not provide an immediate result after exercise. It pledges recovery and results the expectation that the pain is gone.
Meditation and Pain Management
Meditation is considered as a relaxed state of awareness of mind and body. In normal times, our attention is diverted to other issues of the world, while in meditation become relaxed by the mind and body. For example, while driving our attention is diverted to the road and what happening there. Furthermore, in meditation our thoughts are diverted to our inner feelings. Pain management meditations focus on emptying the mind from all the stress and connect with the reality inside our body. It has many benefits as it provides less stress, happiness and enhances the process of coping up with the pain management (Levin, 2002).
Discussion and analysis
Meditation helps with a lot of health problems. Relaxing and quieting mind by focusing on the breath can reduce stress. Patients who meditate respond to stress by improved immune function and lower heart rates. People who meditate can tolerate pain well. Meditation in pain management acts as a personal teacher which guides a person to face stress and overcome its negative outcomes. The immediate outcome of meditation is that a person feels calmer and focused. It also provides a deep connection with the inner self. It also provides harmony which is required at the time of stress.
Mediation is a source of adventure, and at times it also contains some pitfalls. Meditation can never be a source of discomfort. It helps to harness and control of mind. It alleviates stress anger, discomfort and tension which are a part of everyday life.
In order to achieve the balance of our mind and body, it is necessary that our health should be at its peak of potential. If, we ignore our inner voice it would deteriorate our health. Meditation ensures that we are not ignoring the various aspects of our body. In order to be healthy, it is necessary that the mind should be fresh and away from the stress. This will help in developing optimum relationship in our body (Bennett, 2001).
Meditation and pain management
For pain management meditation, it is not necessary that we spend hours in meditating. Few minutes are enough in a day for meditation as it develops the relationship between our mind and body. This process will help in discovering a new dimension of life. By learning meditation also helps to discover a new dimension of life. Meditation is also considered as a source of rejuvenation ...