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Managing Bipolar Disorder


Over the past decade the diagnosis of bipolar disorder has increased at an alarming rate. The study looks to identify and assess the techniques and treatments that are currently in use in order to manage bipolar disorder in young patients. It would also seek to understand the effectiveness of these management techniques and can they be improved with the developments in treatment and bipolar disorder management. The study found significant areas of concern regarding the medication prescribing practices for children with bipolar spectrum disorders. For example, we identified significant differences in the rates of use of atypical antipsychotic agents among young children (under the age of 10 years) as compared with older children. We also found similarly high rates of treatment, including combination therapy, in young children (as compared with older children). This age group is particularly important because current recommendations are to conduct medication trials of only 10 to 17 year old children.

KEYWORDS: Bipolar disorder I, Bipolar Disorder 11, Substance Use Disorder, Pediatrics, Prescriptions and Treatment ManagementManaging Bipolar Disorder


Over the past decade the diagnosis of bipolar disorder has increased at an alarming rate. Some studies indicate that there has been a 40-fold increase in this diagnosis among children under the age of 19 during the period 1992 - 2002. Pediatric bipolar disorder is associated with significant risk for suicidality, psychiatric hospitalizations and externalizing disorders. Additionally, children with bipolar disorder frequently have difficulty in both academic and social settings and are often plagued by comorbid psychiatric conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, anxiety disorders and substance use disorders. Unfortunately, the evidence base that clinicians have available to inform treatment decisions have not been developed in a manner to support this drastic increase in prescribing among children. For example, pharmacologic agents are commonly used for the treatment of pediatric bipolar disorder; however, most of the medications that are commonly prescribed to treat bipolar disorder in this age group have not been tested or approved for use in the pediatric population (Grunhaus et al, 2002, 91).

Aims and Objectives

The study looks to identify and assess the techniques and treatments that are currently in use in order to manage bipolar disorder in young patients. It would also seek to understand the effectiveness of these management techniques and can they be improved with the developments in treatment and bipolar disorder management


A literature review can be understood as previous literature in the form of text that identifies the objectives and the critical assumptions of the existing literature that are being reviewed. These include findings along with the methods and modular techniques applied to a certain issue. The sources in the literature review are secondary in nature and do not identify any new findings or results as such. This portion of text is also considered as an overview of the objectives of the study. In most cases, such as in theses or dissertations, the literature review is present prior to the finds and analysis ...
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