Medically Assisted Suicide

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Medically Assisted Suicide


Medically assisted suicide is the personal choice to end one's own life by administering a lethal substance with the direct or indirect assistance of a physician. If legalized, assisted suicide would provide terminally ill an opportunity to uphold their dignity when facing a lifestyle of pain a suffering. Every person not only strives for but deserves to have self dignity and expect quality of life at all times. In a time of facing long term pain and suffering, as well as significant decline in quality of life, a terminally ill patient should be given an opportunity to end their lives painlessly and with dignity.


Has long been noted that inherent in us by nature self-preservation instinct is not so omnipotent and invincible. In the gathering twilight, especially if people are harassed by severe disorders, there comes a time when the patient begins to crave oblivion as deliverance, as the desired output from the grip of unbearable suffering. (Rachels, 1986) However, centuries-old culture, a set of ethical theories, religions, and blessed them standing tradition taught that there is something to step over people who dare not, under any circumstances. Is the highest taboo, violating which he would commit a mortal sin. And it's something - "reverence for life", whatever it was. Even if life is not life, and the solid agony, a continuous chain of torment - it should be preserved, protected and cherished. The Company requires a person to carry the relentlessly until the end of his martyr's cross, not interested in whether he had enough of this force, and not taking into account any of his feelings and experiences, not a desperate plea on the last "favor". And yet, despite these prohibitions, in all times there were people who dared to defy the dominant traditions and speaking ravaged incurable disease to man: "Your patience nobody needs - neither you nor your loved ones. All these grand taboo - a clever ploy designed to more firmly rivet you to life, which has become unbearable. Reject this philosophy jailer! Your life belongs only to you. No one other than you have any power to dispose of it. And you have every right to abandon it when you feel necessary.” More than two millennia fierce debate over the issue; in the Hippocratic Oath explicitly states that the doctor should not give lethal drugs, even if it is asked to do so, or tips that could lead to death. Of course, that medicine is guided by the principles of the sanctity of life "and" Thou shalt not kill "achieved a lot in alleviating the suffering of seriously ill people were found drugs, relieving pain, improving health status. However, there are times when drugs do not work, or a patient, sensing the end of his life, refuses treatment, when the doctor, knowing that the patient's condition is hopeless, decides to stop treatment. All these factors have a place in life, and from them should not turn away, and should be ...
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