Assisted Suicide

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Assisted Suicide

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Practicing Right of Autonomy2

Fulfillment of Doctor's Duty2


Right to Die4

Should The Law Be Reformed And Move Toward Legalization Of Euthanasia Or/And Assisted Suicide?4




Euthanasia, the right to die, or medically assisted suicide is a contentious issue, involving people who are in extreme pain, have the minimal quality of life due to injury or illness, or are terminally ill. This paper discuss about the notion of introducing physician-assisted suicide should be legal or not. This notion is a big critical debate that could be legal in terms of strong historical basis, according to the petition.

Physician-Assisted Suicide


The taking one's own life intentionally, or causing one's own death is known as suicide. It is despair that usually causes a person to commit suicide, but mental disorders like bipolar disorder, depression, alcoholism, drug abuse and schizophrenia are also known as the main causes. Significant role is played by misfortune, pressure, relationship problems, or financial difficulties in pressuring a person in ending his or her life.

The issue of euthanasia and/or assisted suicide has been a controversial topic for many years. Medical practitioners have claimed that they agree with the fact that it is the right of human beings to live, but what can they do when severely ill people do not want to live? The question arises that whether they have the right to die when they do not have the ability to commit suicide due to lack of physical strength or to do it painlessly. A century ago, people used to die quickly at the time of serious illness or injuries, but now they can be treated, and sometimes they can be cured, helping them to stay alive. This view considers suicide a serious crime, a view that is still shared across the western world. The notion of introduced physician-assisted suicide should be legal or not. This notion is a big critical debate that could be legal in terms of strong historical basis, according to the petition.


Assisted suicide is the prescription of drugs to a patient that will knowingly result in their death is a practice that is currently, legal in some parts of the world, notably The Netherlands and Oregon in the USA. Difference in opinion exists on this regard among different physicians, public and patient who wants to commit suicide. An increase in physician assisted suicide of terminally ill patients has been observed. The urge for reconsideration of policies of physician practice is also increasing. Many who support the notion of physician assisted suicide provide following arguments for that:

Practicing Right of Autonomy

Right of autonomy means that the control an individual has to allow what to do or what not to do with his or her body. This right is the absolute privilege of each and every individual and committing suicide under the assistance of a physician seems to be a justified act.

“There is almost universal agreement that a competent adult has the right to self determination, including the right to have life-sustaining treatment withheld or withdrawn (Battin, ...
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