Medical Specialists, Specialities

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Medical Specialists and their Specialties

Paper Outline


A brief into about the paper and its discussion focused on medical specialists and specialization.

Medical Specialist: Who are medical specialist and how to be a medical specialist in the United Stets, trainings for specializations and sub specializations;

Medical Specialization: Introduction of what is medical specialization? It's evolution over the years, through technological and medical advancements.

History of Medical Specialization and Specialists

A detailed analysis of the history of specialization and early contributors for the classification;

Modern Classification of Medical Specialization

It discusses the modern specialization of medical studies on the basis of their nature and different categories;

Common Medical Specialties

A list of most commonly used and generally practiced specializations;


Concluding thought, ending the report;

Medical Specialists and their Specialties


Medical Specialization is actually the classification of medical studies on the basis of their nature and learning. In this paper, we will discuss the importance of medical specialist, different specializations and its evolution over the centuries.

Medical Specialist

A medical specialist is a doctor who specializes in the study of medicine, which is considered to be a separate branch in medical science. Surgeons and physicians after completing their medical school go for further studies and specialize in various fields of medicine and become a medical specialist after completing their residency. The system of medical specialties evolved over the years during the 19th century. Roman doctors when involved in specialization of variant medical fields. Before the formal subdivision of specialization, doctors specialized in different fields on the basis of need.

In the United States, there are currently 24 medical specialty boards, which are approved and recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties. In the United States a medical doctor or practitioner undertakes 4 years study after his medical school and college studies. The specialty training, also known as residency training, takes at least 3 years for completion. After successful completion of the residency training, a physician is provided with a certification from the board. Many specialties are further divided into sub specialties. Training of sub specialties is known as fellowship training, which takes around, one to three years in completion. A subspecialist is a person who successfully completes his specialty training and then goes for additional subspecialty training (

Medical Specialization

The specialization of study in various medical fields is through modernization. Over the centuries, medical studies have been enriched, advanced and expended. It has become impossible for an individual to master all fields of medical. Likewise, many other diseases are explored, which were previously unknown to man. With the expansion, of technological advancements and the availability of recourses it was necessary to establish proper understating and learning to utilize these advancements for productive and humanitarian causes.

History of Medical Specialization and Specialists

If we analyze the history of medical studies, there has been an exceptional increase in knowledge and learning than any other field of study. Previously three specialist functions were prominent which were operating for counteracts, like stitching the open wounds and stop bleeding, setting the bones and cutting for the bladder stone. Those who perform these surgeries were ...
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