Media, Terrorism And Public

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Media, Terrorism and Public

Media, Terrorism and Public


Conceptualization of Terrorism

There are many definitions of terrorism. It is a concept fraught with ideological values, social, political, economic, military, etc. Moreover, above all, is a loaded concept of a strong emotional component, which hinders their careful analysis and rational. If we seek the elements of definition, which could be a greater consensus find the following:

A.Terrorist acts committed by organized groups outside the law.

B.Quite often have social support, extremely minor in proportion to the rest of the population, but of great importance for treatment the phenomenon.

C.By their actions, they seek to obtain certain objectives that have not been legally and democratically agreed (although it had been in the minority).

D.The main tool used for this is to cause social terror.

E.The terror is achieved by those acts of extreme intensity, capable, itself, to capture the interest of the media and engaging civil authorities at the highest level. Such acts committed lives human indiscriminately.

Therefore, terrorism performs act of extreme violence committed to lives human in order to gain notoriety and engage social partners' politicians (Wilkinson 2006, pp. 267). Violent action is merely instrumental, and victims are the instrument for the social echo.

The principle of Kantian ethics "does not want for others what you would not want for yourself"(Peri and Yoram 2000, pp. 251), which defines the, principle of "no manipulation" accepted as one of Basic universal principles of ethics rules, and involves the decision by no concept, treating people as instruments for purposes. In this is precisely the essence of terrorism: the manipulation of the dramatic structure of violence and its victims. This first conclusion provides us with two thoughts:

First, the ethical rejection of terrorist activity and instrumentalization of human beings, by means of terror for political purposes. Second, the profound implications of the media: the terrorism, to be effective, needs the active participation of media communication (Oates 2006, pp. 425).

Conceptualization of Media and Media Industry

Since the work, of Hutcheson et al. (2004), accepted that the media develop four functions: surveillance, correlation, Socialization and Entertainment.

1. Surveillance: Serves as "watchdog", i.e. to analyze the activity socially relevant from the public to report those events that may be out of social values.

2. Information: This consists of analyzing a certain rigor and depth of those events socially relevant information to convey serious, rigorous and audiences intellectually valid.

3. Socialization: This is based on strengthening social norms and rules, favoring perceived social cohesion and social stability. This is especially important in situations of crisis.

4. Entertainment: This is to provide recreational programs and cultural component to provide strain relief to the audience.

From this perspective, it is clear the intimate relationship between the media and terrorist events: the media must report on terrorist events. Moreover, the terrorist act committed in the first three functions of the activity communication, surveillance, since it is of undoubted importance of events social and situated outside the values, commitment to the correlation, since it must rigorously analyze the phenomenon to convey solid and rigorous information built ...
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