Master Planning For The Arts: Identifying The Skills And Roles For Landscape Architects
Table f contents
4.1. Introduction3
4.2. Interviews as Primary Research3
4.3. Qualitative data methods4
4.4. Interviews of the participant (professional architects, urban planners, artists)5
Interview 1: Perry Howard5
Interview 2: P Jody Ulich, President of the Art Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County.8
Interview 3: James Richards FASLA, registered Landscape Architect practicing in Texas.11
Interviewee 4: Fernando Costa, assistant city manager with the city of Fort Worth Texas13
Interviewee 5: Todd Bressi, with urban design place planning and public arts firm located in Narberth Pennsylvania15
4.5. Themes from the interview that were extracted16
4.6. Summary of Findings18
4.7.1 Focus of the Arts Master Plan19
4.7.2Partisipants on the Team19
4.7.3 Anticipated Outcome20
4.7.4Team Leaders20
4.8. Roles that Landscape Architects Can Play21
4.8.1 Landscape Architects with a Small Role or No Role21
4.8.2Landscape Architects with a Large Role21
4.8.3Landscape Architects that Should Take a Lead Role22
4.9. Overcoming Obstacles22
4.9.1 Lack of Awareness or Understanding22
4.9.2 Not Familiar with the Arts World23
5.1 Conclusion24
5.2 Relevance to the Profession of Landscape Architecture26
5.3 Suggestions for Future Research27
5.4 Summary28
4.1. Introduction
In-depth interviews were conducted with community leaders, researchers, experts, professionals and academic leaders in the field of master planning for the arts, to gather their perceptions of the role that landscape architects can play in the development on an arts master plan. The data shows that these professionals agree that landscape architects have a unique role to play in this field of art master planning. However, the data also shows that there is much to be done to fully involve landscape architects in a lead role for the creation of an arts master plan. As one respondent said “Typically these art master plans are not done by landscape architects. More often they are done by artists, consultant companies in the public arts field that specializes in arts master plans.”
But they further stated, “I think it is a wide open field for landscape architects.” Therefore it can be predicted that the role of the landscape architect in the development of the master planning for the arts. The interviews were based on the perception of the architects and other professionals that were particularly based on personal definition of arts master plan (Savinar, 1994). The interviews were targeted in order to develop a thorough understanding of the professionals already practicing this profession and their perceptions. The interview were conducted through different medium, the most important of which was the digital media that is, telephone.
4.2. Interviews as Primary Research
Primary research is defined as “investigations carried out to acquire data first hand”. Investigation means carrying out research and analysis to come out with this first hand data (Gluhovic, 2012). Specifically in this thesis, the primary research will be focusing on investigating the challenges that are faced the landscape architect when designing and master planning for the arts. Further it also discusses the role of the architects in the perception of the planning for the arts. The investigation of the primary research will draw out the main impacts of ...