Marx's Theory Of Alienation

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Marx's Theory of Alienation


The theory proposed by Karl Marx that is Entfremdung (estrangement) is known as the theory of Alienation. The theory explain the natures phenomenon, that is together naturally, according to Karl Marx those elements are separated from each other, and further more the adjustment of things which are opposite of each other are in proper synchronization. In theoretical perspective Entfremdung himself has described and explain about the concept of social alienation among people, he explained the concept in the aspect of people and their nature, with respect to accompanying the concept of those classes that are incorporated in the social class systems (James, pp.11-20). The concept and theory of alienation has emerged from the systematic result of people living under the socially stratified society, as it is said that living in a class system automatically separates the human from his or her compassion. Karl Marx uses the theory of alienation in the reference of the working conditions, where the concept lies in the aspect of capitalism mode of production, as in context of a worker they tend to lose the ability to justify their lifestyle, moreover when the workers are underprivileged and does not have the right to take their own decision and even to think on their own, before doing any action, and many other factors on which the person does not have any right. The said elements also includes to settle on the personality of supposed proceedings; to describe his association with other citizens; and to own the belongings and make use of the worth of the merchandise and services, fashioned with his industry. Even though the member of staff is an independent, self-realized human being, as an financially viable individual, he or she is heading for ambition and sidetracked to actions that are ordered by the bourgeoisie, who have possession of the resources of manufacturing, with the intention to dig out from the employee the maximal quantity of extra worth, in the route of business antagonism among entrepreneurs (Mark, pp. 69-84).

The Decline of Capitalism with respect to Alienation

The production of new goods, the application of new production methods, development of new procurement markets, sales territories, the reorganization of an existing company, after all this is Schumpeter's theory responsible for the above described successes of capitalism. To operate as entrepreneurs such things, calls for special skills, which has only a small proportion of the population, because the needs far exceed all routine tasks, and because such innovations are always only be enforced against internal and social resistance. The role of capitalist entrepreneur is comparable to the role of an ancient military commander, a form of individual leadership, the target on the basis of personal power and personal responsibility for success. In modern large enterprise, technological progress is increasingly no longer a matter of a brilliant leader, but becomes more and more a matter of trained specialists groups. In place of the owner (= operator) with its specific ownership interest paid managers have emerged whose primary interest is ...
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