Mark's Theory of Human Nature and Theory of History Explaining the Impact of Globalization on Mexico
Karl Heinrich Marx, born on 5 May 1818 in Trier in the Rhineland and died on 14 March 1883 in London, is a historian, journalist, philosopher, economist, essayist, theorist and pioneering socialist and communist German. He is known for his materialist conception of history, describing the workings of capitalism, and his revolutionary activities in the workers' organizations, in Europe (Craig, p. 15).
Marx's Theory of Human Nature
Marx had suggested that capital is highly exposed, manifest and manuscripts. It has several features. He suggested that man has a typical helplessness i.e., man is born with a sickly body and is subject to many diseases. As we all are aware of the fact that, we get tired and typically are hesitant in performing things, and we also get sick during the period of our lives. He also suggested that every man living in the society needs the company of another man. Whereupon, the man is a social being by nature. Furthermore, he also suggested that in order to survive in this world, men needs to transform the environment in which they live to ensure the survival and transformation, done through work. Man must work to survive, and this work is a need to transform nature. He presented the fact that every human needs to work in order to earn a living and in order to survive in this world. For this purpose, men performs his daily routine work, and the nature of the work is such that work is social that is, society is born due to the need of men to collaborate with other individuals, in order to perform their work. The way it works, determines the social relations, i.e., the shape of the society. Furthermore, Marx was also of the opinion that the ideal state, is one in which all the work reverts to the benefit of society, without causing any privilege and meets the needs of individual without more; the concept of sharing prevails over that of possession (Craig, p. 15).
The problem is on having the share, and saying this is mine. It destroys the ideal state, or what is the same capitalist society. Capitalist society is uneven. A few capitalist societies have proved to be such, but a vast majority does not. This company consists of two factors, which are Concept of alignment and Wage labour.
A Concept of alignment is the alignment that includes the vast majority of individuals who make a capitalist society. They are annoyed due to the fact that they lack sufficient resources to meet their needs. It assumes that wage labor is a form of alienating work, since the work done does not reverse the benefit of the community, but only in favor of a restrictive part of that society.
Whereas, wage labor is the problem as it is causing alienation. On the one hand, we have the employers who are in minority, and on the other are the workers who are ...