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Marketing Plan: Company DELL


Marketing Plan: Company DELL Inc


Dell Computer has always been one of the most envied and no marks for its high level of sales, your income increases each year as lightning or large corporate image despite having no stores that offer a personalized service, but to have a model business based on quality as a fundamental part of business strategy that bordered on perfection. (Ackoff, R. C. 1970)

The company was founded in 1984 by Michael Dell, now the computer industry's longest-tenured chief executive officer, on a simple concept: that by selling personal computer systems directly to customers, Dell could best understands their needs, and provides the most effective computing solutions to meet those needs. Today, Dell is enhancing and broadening the fundamental competitive advantages of the direct model by increasingly applying the efficiencies of the Internet to its entire business. Company revenue for the last four quarters totaled $19.9 billion. The creation of Dell Inc emerged from the hands of Michael Dell founded in 1984 that, given the growing need for models of personal computers and business insight to just software developers from Microsoft, now 25 years later has sold over 20 million computers a year and that its actions since June 1988 when it went public until now have tripled, despite the massive drop in price during the crisis. (Jerome, William, Graw, 1997)

The quality in the case of Dell does not refer directly to the product, but the rapid and reliable place for all needs that require their customers, from technical assistance, through the commercial support and services without forgetting aftermarket. (Alchian, A. A. and Demsetz, H. 1972)

Certainly within Dell as a company focused on the trade that interests us most is the quality / speed of service to the demand of customer orders; its systems, based on own development and the quality of the service itself, have allowed eliminate jobs in its factories in the repair and servicing of computers, which have achieved a very important natural evolution in terms of speed of service orders.

It is therefore the production quality that makes Dell has not only been able to improve delivery and quality without having to review their products, but because it has been able to count or other human resources or investments in other areas most important strategic business development as an area of global logistics, which coordinates the approximately 100 factories in distribution of equipment to have around the world. (Amey, L. 1964)

Another point of fundamental improvement has been further developed in the section I + d is always favorable to improve their products and win new customers, as at the time was in the section on batteries (inside the PC era offered the most) and currently in the net book models .

In short, a totally reliable as shown by the corporate quality and productivity not only can get a good business model but also can be achieved by increasing revenue by attracting new customers with better ...
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