iii) Rationale for introducing this service in UK3
1) Marketing objectives4
ii) Service requirements:4
1. Advertising5
2. Promotional strategies:5
3. Pricing strategies6
5. Distribution strategies7
1. Socio-cultural analysis7
2. Economic and trade analysis7
3. Political, regulatory, and legal analysis8
4. Target market and competitive analysis8
1. Market entry9
2. Organizational structure10
3. Technological factor10
4. Budget and financial projections11
Starting budget11
Executive summary:
Luxury pet hotel provides complete pet care facilities to its customer, it is dedicated to provide maximum satisfaction to its clients by giving service, quality pet care, and providing a fresh and clean environment to both our customers and their pets at an a minimum cost. Luxury pet hotel is bent to maintain a very cool and attractive atmosphere for its customers.
Pets are playing a huge role in the lives of people in the UK and the people are working day and night to make a good and financially sound atmosphere for themselves and their families and pets. People usually look for mental peace and relaxation for themselves and their pets. For the convenience of the valued customers Luxury pet hotel will provide its customers many other facilities other than only day care facility, other facilities would include night care for the pets, washing of the pets, grooming, and many more. All of these services would be provided 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
i) Description of the service and its benefits
Luxury pet hotel is a newly established hotel which will specialize in providing its customers the optimum level of pet care. The hotel will provide a number of services to its customers. The services are:
Overnight Care: the client can leave the pet for 24 hour care without any worry.
Day Care: there is lot of room for a playful, hygienic and safe environment. Physical training will also be provided to animals to make them healthy.
In-home Animal Care: these services can also be provided at the home of the client if necessary.
Wash Your Own Pet: bathing is essential for the animals for hygiene so this service will also be provided..
Pet Grooming: the pets will also be groomed if required by the customer.
Benefits of the service:
Due to the services provided by the company the customers will have the chance to be relaxed when they are not with their pets. They would know that their pets are in safe hands and this would enable them to concentrate fully on their lives without having to worry about their pets.
ii) Brief Description about the Target Market:
The target market for Luxury pet hotel is United Kingdom. Luxury pet hotel has chosen United Kingdom as the target market because in UK it is very common for people to have a pet in their house. A large part of the population has a pet in their home, which they love as a family member and ...