In this paper we produced an international marketing plan for Opta Minerals Inc, who is going to introduce its product called Opta Minerals which includes Chromites, Foundry Sands and Green Sand Additives in Chinese Market.Business to Business (B2B) marketing is currently one of the fastest growing areas of marketing and has emerged as a discipline in its own right. The skills and techniques required to market in B2B are quite distinct and therefore need to be understood at length. Unlike its sister discipline Consumer marketing, marketing in the B2B environment is a complex and demanding process that has evolved its own dynamics, processes and systems though based on the same basic marketing fundamentals.
About company
Opta Minerals is North America's leading integrated processor/distributor/seller of industrial minerals. From our roots providing sand to a local foundry in the 1880s, Opta has grown to an international group of companies in Canada, the United States and Europe, all committed to delivering optimal results for our customers.We source, process and distribute a wide range of products and services, from traditional copper and coal blasting slag to patented silica-free abrasives, construction-grade and golf course sand, water filtration media and jet cutting garnets, all used in a variety of industries and applications.
About Product
Opta Minerals Inc is going to introduced the following products,
Foundry Sands
Green Sand Additives (Bentonite, Carbobond & Carsins)
Markets for miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral products are extremely fragmented. The largest single industry product category is statuary and art goods, which accounted for nearly 20 percent of industry output during the early 2000s. The largest consumer of this industry's offerings is the nonferrous wire-drawing industry, which uses tubing made from quartz to produce electrical wire. Other major consumers include fabricated rubber product manufacturers and motor and generator makers, who also use quartz tubing. About 10 percent of production is exported.
Position of MINERAL PRODUCTS in international markets
International markets are by definition small but potentially dynamic and rapidly growing economies. There is no universal agreement on what constitutes an international market. Many economists accept the World Bank definition of an international market as one whose GDP per-capita income is below $8,000 per annum. By this definition, international markets account for 80 percent of the world's population and over 20 percent of global exports, with most healthy international markets found in South America and Southeast Asia. Businesses experts tend to divide international markets into two main groups: best-performing international markets (China, Russia, Thailand, South Africa, Taiwan) and less-performing international markets (Turkey, Malaysia, Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, Pakistan).
Situational analysis
Internal Analysis:
Internal Analysis of Mneral productsmainly based on the Market-led and Resource based approaches and Planned and emergent approaches. Market Led Approaches are based on the changes in the market and the resources that Mneral productshaving in their hands. In this approach, the situation of the market needs to be watched carefully and implemented in the Marketing and strategic plans of Store brands. This plan is considered as emergent where the implementation is made up to ...