Marketing Plan

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Marketing Plan Implementation And Action Plan

Marketing Plan Implementation and Action Plan

Part A

In order to get your marketing efforts off to the right start, you must first fully understand the strategic goals of your company or organization. All good marketing plans begin with a comprehensive and intimate understanding of the goals of the company. You will also be well served to review the vision and mission of the organization. All of your marketing efforts should fully support these goals and every marketing strategy and tactic should be designed with these goals kept firmly in mind. In order to get your marketing efforts off to the right start, you must first fully understand the strategic goals of your company or organization. All good marketing plans begin with a comprehensive and intimate understanding of the goals of the company. You will also be well served to review the vision and mission of the organization. All of your marketing efforts should fully support these goals and every marketing strategy and tactic should be designed with these goals kept firmly in mind.

The first step in creating a marketing plan

Marketing plans must be based upon the goals laid out in the business plan so a thorough review and understanding of the company's business plan is the first step in created a marketing plan. Once you understand the strategic goals of the company, as a successful marketer you will also fully understand the benefits of the products and services you offer. You will also understand who can benefit from those products and services and how you will sell and deliver those products and services to them profitably. You will also seek to uncover and explore strategic opportunities that will help your business grow and increase profitability through the delivery of superior products and services to an audience that will benefit from them.

Once you have a strategy that describes your company's products or services and how your market will benefit from them, then you can create a marketing plan that will enable you to communicate with your market, sell your product or service, and reach your organization's strategic goals. You may choose to include tactics for uncovering new strategic opportunities that exist.

The marketing plan is the foundation for all your marketing efforts.

Communications strategy and measurement

Critical to your marketing plan is an understanding of how people will benefit from a relationship with you so your plan must include a clear communication strategy to let people in your target market know how they will benefit from your products and services. You will also identify ways to quantify and measure your plan so you know not only if your plan is working but how well it is working. Traditionally, marketers have talked about and taught "The Four P's of Marketing". They were: Product, Place, Price, and Promotion. It is these things, it was felt, and that must be addressed in order to succeed in marketing. In my opinion these "Four P's" were lacking a very important element and were too ...
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