Marketing For Services

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Marketing for Services

Marketing for Services


Branding services are a complex pattern of relationships between companies and their services and consumers and their lifestyles. They arise not only from logo, slogan and advertising, but also from experiences, needs, ideas and opinions of consumers. They provide symbolic, emotional and constantly changing frame of reference for consumers to facilitate the orientation on the market. This paper will present ideas on how to work on the brand “Manga Manicures” and make it successful (Slater 2009, pp. 7-26).

Task1: Segment the market using a variety of demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioural variables and provide a detailed consumer profile of a suitable UK target market for Manga Manicures

While segmenting a market, following points must be considered. Manga Manicures also have to make sure that it follows these points.

Consumers and the market

Consumer Profile: The consumer profile for Manga Manicures is Middle and upper income class. These are the people who can afford this luxury.

Number of competitors: There are a few competitors for Manga Manicures but with its effective promotional campaigns, it can tackle the heat.

Brand differentiation from other: Manga Manicures is offering nail art which will be an differentiation brand strategy for them.

Product and Price: As, it is offering Premium products so it won't be offering lower prices but it would be conveying value for money tactic.


Personal Sales: Manga Manicures would be sending salesperson door to door to market its services. This would help the company to convey it services properly to the consumers.

Advertising: Manga Manicures will be using both the ATL and BTL marketing activities.

Sales Promotion: Initially, the company would be offering discounts to its customers. This discount will promote the first usage of the service.

Task2: Discuss what consumer behaviour factors would influence thw decision of your targer market to purchase the new Manga Manicures.

Following are the factors that will affect the decision of Manga Manicures' target market. These factors while launching the brand should be considered to ensure success of the brand.

Lifestyle of the Consumers

Lifestyle is a key factor when buying brands. Brands are sold, and preferred by consumers on the basis of price brands. Group of people at points of the enterprise and the relationship depends on their lifestyle, by contrast, can buy products to formulate it. Vendors are increasingly monitoring the desires of the target consumers. The team is the most widely used SRI values and lifestyles as consumers need and want to change with age. Companies use the age and life cycle of market segmentation, offering different products or use different operations achievements of four different age groups and lifestyles. Age is also not a period in which the consumer can come in one piece, despite the scheme used. In trade, the purpose of travel using the life cycle of the child's family and the child in the background, using the newly married young only mature individuals and retirees, and young at heart to stop the market share - Walt Disney ...
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