Marketers That Matter

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Marketers That Matter

Marketers That Matter


Today, marketing is defined as the delivery of customer satisfaction that is also linked with a profit. Marketing more than any other business function, deals with many customers and products. Marketing motivates everyone in the marketing business to produce well-defined products for its customers. Marketers that exert a high level of performance provide more performance for their customers from a product. Marketing provides abundance of products in nearby shopping malls and other shopping centers to fulfil the customers wants and needs. Behind marketing, there is a massive network of people and activities competing for the attention of the consumer and their purchasing dollars. Very many businesses and government leaders in most of the nations are eager to learn more about the needs, wants, and demands of marketing. In marketing today, the most basic concept is that of human needs which categories of felt deprivation are. The human needs include basic physical needs for food, clothing, warmth, and safety. Without the physical needs, the human make-up would not be complete. Also, in Marketing, social needs for belonging and affection applies to the needs of humans around the world. Lastly, the individual needs satisfies and completes the Marketing circle.

Marketing Products and Services

Many people satisfy their needs and wants with products and services. As stated in Marketing 2003 edition "A product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy people's needs or wants." The basic concept of a product is not limited to physical object-anything capable of satisfying a need can be called a product. Services, on the other hand, are activities and benefits that are offered for sale and are essentially tangible resulting in no ownership of anything.

Value, Satisfaction, and Quality

According to Dr. Amico Zickmund, Professor at Harvard University, between the customer gains from owning and using a product and the cost of obtaining a product." Customers not often judge product values and costs accurately or objectively. As stated in Marketing Today, "Customer satisfaction depends on how well the product performs in delivering value relative to a customer's expectation." If the product fails in its service, the buyer is quickly dissatisfied. Outstanding marketing companies go out of their way to keep their customers satisfied, which makes their purchases. In Marketing, quality has direct impact on product performance and customer satisfaction. Quality can also be defined as free from any defects. Most customer-centered companies go beyond this definition of quality. Quality has much to do with providing satisfaction for the customer. Also, Quality is what makes a company successful.

Marketing in Today's Changing World

Global connections in today's increasingly smaller world, many marketers are now connected globally with many of their customers and marketing partners. Many geographical and cultural distances have shrunk with the advent of jet planes; fax machines, and global computer hook-ups. American firms have been challenged at home by extended European and Asian multinationals. Today, in marketing, companies are not only trying to sell more of their locally produced goods in international markets ...
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