Managing The Human Resource

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Managing the Human Resource

Managing the Human Resource


The purpose of this assignment is to develop a case study on Human Resource Management for morale and motivation in the Canzalian Credential Assessment Unit. At the Canzalian Credential Assessment Unit Managerial, the manager Shane faces the difficulty of low morale and low motivation of the employees. The need is to analyze and evaluate the situation in the perspective of Human Resource Management. The human resource management (HRM) is defined as a set of practices of management aimed at mobilizing and developing human resources for better performance of the organization. In the significant period of global competition, a large number of organizations have developed a lot by improving their business' models, raising growth, and corporate reorganization (Armstrong, 2006, 2-11). Traditional industrial framework has changed in to globally expanded companies, intellectual corporations, knowledge based system of finances, modified ideas about the social contract of employers and workers, increased pool of talented and competent workforces, demands HRM (human resource management) functions to relocate and realign itself.

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management (HRM) is a formal program designed to enhance the effective and efficient use of staff to achieve organizational goals. Essentially it is that people practice and hiring new employees to become members of their success to manage its separation from the scope of the company. Certain human resources generalist for each function (i.e., self-elevating, and all industries) knowledge, although the experts all in one, such as recruitment, labour relations, or training experts in functions (Leo, 2008, 13-15).

Human Resource as a Competitive Advantage

Human resources management research, particularly those who seek to find performance results shows that the biggest advantage is that, it gives an edge over competitors. Most companies today look to invest on competitive human resource to build a strong organization ready to compete with all the obstacles and become an organization that has a potent force to compete. In the end, it can be said that nowadays human resource has actually become the major force to compete and win over competitors (Leo, 2008, 13-15).

Motivational Theories

Motivation is made up of all the factors that may cause, sustain and direct behaviour toward a goal. Today is an important element in managing staff knows what is required, and most of it, master it, just so the company will be able to form a strong and reliable organizational culture. In the example of hunger, of course we have a motivation, since it causes the behaviour is to fetch food also maintains that is, the more hungry you are, we will move more directly to the appropriate satisfier. If we are hungry, we go to food that is motivation leads us to meet the need (Weightman, 2008, 44-55). Motivation is also considered as the impulse that leads a person to choose and take action between those alternatives that presented in a given situation. Indeed, the motivation is related to the impulse, because it effectively provides a collective effort aimed at achieving the objectives of the ...
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