Managing Market

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Managing Market

Managing Market


The company that has been selected for this topic is Coca-Cola Company. The key to business success for Coca-Cola is the confidence of consumers and customers in their products. This success is largely due to two aspects: one is the constant concern to try to make the products in order to meet consumer needs and, another aspect is the strict quality standards that Coca-Cola has always made in its products and production processes. For this reason, it uses a very good strategy for doing the best marketing, i.e. to understand how they live, how they feel, what they think, what it does and what the consumer wants. It focuses on understanding the motivations of Spanish consumers in order to maximize the relevance of brands and continue to innovate in what we do: from new products to promotions. (Bird, 2006, pp. 317-363)

Also, quality is an imperative for business. This belief is widespread in the organizations, is accepted by everyone from the employees of the production lines up to top-level executives. The general belief is that "we can do better." Coca-Cola researched permanently to develop the highest level of stringent quality standards and then applied with full rigor and commitment. It was done in the line of development. There was a belief in the new location strategy of Coca-Cola that their goal is to think and act with greater local autonomy and to become a model citizen. This service has been established as a basic tool of service and contact with the consumer. Therefore, all the developments related to Coca-Cola will be discussed in this topic. (Bird, 2006, pp. 317-363) Strategy

Given the call to publicize the service to maximum consumers, Coca-Cola decided to use it as a vehicle to promote their own containers. Since its birth, Coca-Cola engaged in prominent places in their packaging. The service consumer of Coca-Cola operates through a centralized call system, which works primarily as a collector of data and information as a generator of the system. The service also includes serving claims online. Since its inception, the service caters mainly requests for information and calls of complaints and claims. The platform channels all the data it collects and the demands are answered as quickly as possible. The response time in light of efforts are needed to be made usually between two to seven days. When the service consumer of Coca-Cola gets a call, the operators' picks up the request or complain and enters in a register. Immediately, they reported the incident to the appropriate department and activated the mechanisms necessary to provide a solution. In cases, where the complaint is related to the quality process, they are related to the carbonization of Coca-Cola that takes the sample, is analyzed in the laboratory and then tells the consumer. However, when it is considered appropriate, Coca-Cola later tracks it to determine the degree of satisfaction. (Brumley, 1988, pp. 2-4)


It is believed that Coca-Cola provides a platform that has contributed to a more active and ...
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