Management Practice/Skills

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Management Practice and Skills (Organizational Behaviour)

Management Practice and Skills (Organizational Behaviour)


There are several styles of leadership, but it is important for the leader to adopt the one that is most suitable to his style of leadership. However, it is said that, since most people prefer to be involved in decisions concerning their jobs, a participative style of leadership will always be more effective than a more directive style. This paper focuses on the analysis of this statement, in order to figure out the amount of reality found in the statement.


Participative leadership

Unlike the solitary leaders who take a majority decision without consulting the people, the leader believes in participatory collective intelligence. Friend of harmony as the leader Collaborative, Participatory is the more a Democrat who calls everyone's ideas. Open to dialogue, seeks consensus, believing that we are more intelligent more. And time of crowd-sourcing and social media, this one is leader in the air. Participative Leadership - also known as the Democratic Leadership - is undoubtedly Leadership style most common in the world of business and politics. It is one of the main leadership styles, alongside Authoritarian Leadership, Laissez-Faire Leadership, etc. The reason for the popularity of this leadership style among most leaders is based on the fact that this ype of leadership style eases the job of the leaders to lead the team. This is because of the fact that the members of the team are motivated, due to the very fact that they are part and have contributed to the decision making process that has been implemented by the leader (Tagger, Hackett, et al, 1999, p. 899-926).

What is Participative Leadership?

Participative Leadership promotes decision making by a group. In this model of leadership, the leader (boss, team leader, etc) consults his team and asks for their opinion to make decisions. This style of leadership encourages each member of the group to make his voice heard, to give his opinion and participate. However, it is important to note that the final decision is only taken by the Chief, which is based on the views and contributions made by the members of the team by providing different kinds of suggestions and ideas.

The advantages of Participatory Leadership

Besides the fact that it is always beneficial to let each member of a group to express his opinions and ideas, a major advantage of Participative Leadership is that it allows the development of additional leaders. Encouraging the active participation of each member of the group, the leader leaves then express their creativity. Often, it awakens a talent or ability that sleeping and would not wake up without it. In addition, to highlight the strengths of each can also discover the weaknesses of each, and thus to correct them. Participative Leadership style is very effective style to help advance a team together. This is because of the fact that each member of the team is contributing to the goal of the team, which means that more ideas are generated, which lead the tem towards performing well and ...
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