Love Story

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Love Story

Dido and Aeneas

The poem is in hexameters, divided into XII books and tells the story of Aeneas, the Trojan hero, son of Venus and Anchises, escaped the destruction of Troy and came by the will of Fate at the mouth of the river to give rise to the Roman family and the gens Julia. The narrative is divided into two parts: the first (Books I-VI) relates the wanderings of Aeneas and his companions until the arrival in Latium, the second (Books VII-XII) struggles to retain possession of new land allocated.

It is based on a love story from the book IV of the Aeneid of Virgil, one of the legendary Queen of Carthage, Dido, and the refugee Trojan Aeneas. When Aeneas and his crew are shipwrecked in Carthage, he and the queen fall in love. But, of envy Dido, witches conspire and make believe the soldier to leave and that his destiny is to merge Troy. Dido regrets and cannot live without her love. However, when Aeneas decides to stay, she refuses and left to die Wood (Bruce & Andrew, 1992).

The librettist, Nahum Tate took the fabric from the Aeneid of Virgil . While the original version of the libretto is received, the music of Purcell survives only through later copies. The music of the prologue is entirely lost, probably because it contains an allusion no longer suited to the current policy in subsequent performances.

The entire opera takes today handed down, incomplete form only about an hour. It is one of the most important dramatic works of Baroque music and is regarded by some as Purcell's only true opera. The most famous piece is probably Dido's lament 'When I am laid in earth ", an aria over an ostinato lamento bass.

The opera is musically so remarkable, because they by then widespread scheme of opera seria differs by almost alone are no arias. Also, the chorus comes to an unusually important role.

Paolo and Francesca

Paolo and Francesca, one of the most famous pairs of lovers of all time, there is no document or proof. In the chronicles of the time there is no trace of the story which also had caused quite a stir. The reporters do not mention, while the ancient commentators describe with precision. There is only the memory of the bloody event and the story immortalized by Dante in the fifth canto.

According to the indications ...
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