Capitalism Love Story And Nickels & Dimes

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Capitalism love story and Nickels & Dimes

Capitalism love story and Nickels & Dimes


Nickel and Dimed was the result of Ehrenreich's undercover experiment and her subsequent observations. The impassioned book has sold more than 1 million copies and was a best seller for nearly two years, including 94 weeks on the New York Times paperback list, and seems to have struck a nerve among readers who may not have been aware of the horrific working conditions experienced by so many people on a daily basis.

Capitalism: A love Story is directed by Michael Moore, who has in past given amazing movies, such as Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11 and Sicko. Marmite and Michael Moore have a lot in common with one another. Like the former, Moore is someone who, depending on the political outlook, either one loves or hate. For those that love him, he has become a crusader for the 'Average Joe', while those who do not appreciate his work accuse of him of hypocrisy of the highest order. However, time and time again he has lifted his head over the parapet to tackle the big political issues of our time courage that is worth commending.


Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, was published in 2001. She says she wrote it to remind readers that there is a "state of emergency" that cannot be ignored: Poverty affects millions of American low-wage workers. In 1998, while having lunch with Lewis Lapham, the editor of Harper's magazine, she wondered aloud how 4 million former welfare recipients would survive on $6 or $7 an hour and mentioned that someone should do the "old-fashioned kind of journalism you know, go out there and try it for them." His response was "You should do it." Ehrenreich followed his suggestion ...
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