Literature Review Of Scared Straight Program Articles

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Literature Review of Scared Straight Program Articles

Literature Review of Scared Straight Program Articles

Literature Review

Youth crime is continuously increasing at a rapid pace among different societies. It continues to have a negative significance on the betterment of society. Many efforts are directed towards decreasing the level of youth crime. Many Youths get attracted towards crimes because they cannot make ends meet. Additionally some youths are not aware of the rules of society. They do not know their limitations and thus are involved in unlawful activities.

The field of Criminology helps us in combating the increased level of youth crimes. It offers us various insights on tackling the threat of rising youth crime. Any society in order to prosper needs to have a close eye on the rising threat of youth crimes. Societies who are prospering are the ones who have continuously devoted their attention towards decreasing the level of youth crimes. A thorough study of the various laws in Criminology would help us in dealing with this rising trend of youth crimes.

The article Scared Straight identifies the efforts made in the tackling of youth crimes. Behavioral problems have been increasing globally with the changing trend of attitudes. Youths have been involved in crimes more so today than in the past. There is a need to take not only the youths on board but also their families in order to get to the root of this problem. Youths are fallible and thus get attracted very easily in committing crimes. There should be a proper mechanism to help them understand their duties and limitations.

Behavioral problems vary among different youths. So it would be beneficial to identify a mechanism individually keeping each behavior in mind. The author looks at the various options available to him in order to effectively deal with the youths involved in crimes. There is an urgent need to prevent youths from taking part in further crimes. Addressing the main cause would help us in achieving this objective. They should be prevented from getting involved in criminal justice process.

The author asserts to the idea of changing the self belief and increasing self esteem of the youths involved in various crimes. The main cause for concern is there affected self belief. The ethical perspective in their self belief needs to be re energized. Somehow they have lost their self belief and are struggling with a low self esteem (Blunkett, 2008).

The concept of Scared Straight programs is getting increased attention with the rising trend of Youth crimes. There had to some mechanism designed in order to prevent youths from getting involved in crimes. The mechanism adopted by various law enforcement agencies is the use of Scared Straight programs.

The crux of Scared Straight programs involves many benefits. It organizes visits to prison facilities by juvenile delinquents. The purpose of providing such visits is to prevent the youths from committing future crimes. Live interaction with the prison life makes the youths aware of the consequences attached with committing ...
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