Lighting Fundamentals

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How Light Behaves; Lighting Fundamentals

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How Light Behaves; Lighting Fundamentals

Fundamentals of Light Like concrete, steel, glass and wood, light is an architectural element, with the difference that is immaterial (Csele, 2004). While this information is silent nature, intangible and invisible, light defines what we perceive by the visual system. Radiation and Light

Radiation is defined as the emission and transport of energy as electromagnetic waves or particles (photons). Radiation is electromagnetic and particle type, which explains certain phenomena characteristic of a wave (reflection, refraction, etc.) and another characteristic of the corpuscle (effects of biological, chemical and photoelectric). The light can be defined, in turn, as any radiation capable of producing a visual sensation directly. Light waves occupy only a small part of the spectral domain of electromagnetic waves (Steinmetz, 2007). The visible radiation limits are vague and may vary. The lower limit usually taken at 380 nm and 780 nm higher.

Natural Light Reference light in architecture as in everyday life, sunlight is the main source of natural light. The daylight that reaches Earth's surface changes during the day depending on sun angle with respect to our position on the surface of the globe. Thus, depending on location and time of day, light will not be the same: it will be cold at noon and sunset golden amber. The atmospheric layers filtered sunlight to varying degrees and determine the color temperature of light. Night Light Environment

Like a ray, of sun, each artificial light source produces an appearance of color, a shade of its own. According to a law of physics, anybody heated to the same temperature gives a similar light shade, from dark red around 1000 º C until the sun dazzling white to more than 5000 ° C. The color temperature, the unit of measure are degrees Kelvin (K = -273 ° C) refers to light emitted by a black body heated. The higher the temperature of the black body, this will be bluer and less red.

Quantity and Quality of Light

To measure the color, brightness measurements and measurements of light is used the following equipment manufactured by Konica Minolta: spectrometer, spectrophotometer, spectroradiometer, light meter, yarkomer, colorimeter, light meter, bleskomer. Spectrometer is an optical device used to accumulate the spectrum, its quantification and subsequent analysis using different analytical methods. Konica Minolta spectrometers may vary in the spectral range, spectral sensitivity, and the optical system. The main purpose ...
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