Life Of Salmon

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Life of Salmon

Life of Salmon


For those of us who appreciate and marvel at mirror of nature, there is probably no better species which best describes our own spiritual journey than salmon. It appears throughout many cultures and not least of all, in Celtic mythology. It should not surprise us that the salmon towards end of its life cycle and having spawned is called the Kelt.

Its amazing journey begins after it has fallen in form of an egg from female, and rests in riverbed where it is fertilized by male. Its only requirements are Earth (the riverbed), Air (oxygen in water), Fire (heat and light from sun), Water (to enable its journey & survival), and Spirit (its will to complete its life's purpose). Just one example of the sacred pentagram reflected by nature for us.

Analysis of journey

Through death, body of salmon enriches both soil and water with nutrients from its body. If carried away by predators, it helps to feed another species. Nothing is wasted. Little is taken and much is given. entire purpose of salmon is to journey and to create life. It would serve us well to imitate this for that is ultimately our purpose of being - moving from where we have fallen (our riverbed) to ocean of world, never forgetting our ultimate goal of returning eventually to where we originated. Like salmon, we were created in the higher place by both male and female energy, in its likeness, and it is to this place that we all return, call it what we wish.

Like rivers and seas salmon dwell in, our world too has become polluted. Many of us are drowning in shallow pools of negativity and hatred and are not reaching our 'higher place'. drift nets of material world are placed before us, capturing us, preventing us from moving on, predators hide behind their camoflage, determined to prevent us from moving on. We must be strong to overcome this. We must be prepared to face whatever challenges are placed in front of us. salmon does not give up after its first leap, it will continue trying, battling its way upstream.


We have already entered smolt stage of our spiritual evolution, great changes are taking place inside each and every one of us, we are making changes to our lives and releasing our past. rivers we are swimming in are faster, dangers greater. We are surrounded by debris of chaos and confusion which has been dredged up by great flood of knowledge we are experiencing. This will pass. We need to gather our strength for that final leap and when we get there - we achieve peace - inner peace, and knowledge of all our lives and that of others become clear to us - as clear as water we are swimming in. Have courage and have strength. Open your mind.

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