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To: Jack Fernando's, Largo High School, Maryland

From: Asim Arnous

Subject: Reduce behavior and discipline problems at Largo High School in Maryland

The educational system of Largo High school is known for its best services in education for this purpose the teachers are under pressure to improve student performance, learning is teacher-centered, and because of lack of adequate textbooks, the lecture method is used extensively. Students copy notes from the blackboard to be retrieved at examination time. There is a huge involvement and efforts of the administrators, parents, teachers and students, behind the well-disciplined learning environment in the schools.

There are many schools suffering from the behavioral and discipline problems. The behavioral and discipline problems from the staff and the student play a very important role in each institution. It is y for the school administration to understand the causes of these problems and find solution for them. Just like the other educational institutes and schools, Largo High School located in Maryland is also suffering from the behavioral and discipline issues. The serious behavioral and discipline problems that Largo High school has been facing numerous regarding violence at school such as students carry knives to school, sexual exploitation, harmful behaviors such as usage of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, usage of slang words, smashing furniture and property in the school, theft, lying. The initial goal of Largo High School was merely to provide students with the opportunity to acquire an education. Currently, this has changed, and it is expected that all students must benefit by achieving some form of academic success. School must then be more accountable by ensuring students gain high levels of achievement on standards-based exams. Nonetheless, Largo High School educators were still facing major challenges with attaining this goal because of ongoing problems with discipline. The existing problem behaviors (both minor and major) were deemed to be the greatest challenge for educators. For example, the rise in the recent acts of school violence created calls for improving school safety and discipline procedures. However, the typical district-wide zero tolerance policies and approaches used to curb student misbehavior in an attempt to improve school safety were deemed as being ineffective. Largo high School officials were somewhat intolerant of students' inappropriate behaviors that interfered with the attainment of their educational goals (Arcia, pp. 456-469). Teachers and other educators must acquire and use a variety of effective school wide approaches and strategies to address student behaviors that impeded the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, indicated that Largo High school students had persistent behavioral problems that, if left undetected, can have an impact on academic performance or the overall dynamics of what happens in the classroom. Therefore, it was imperative for school personnel to consider the needs of these adolescents and create a learning environment that promoted positive behaviors and academic achievement. Such considerations should focus on early preventive intervention that established a learning environment that supported students' positive and adaptive behaviors, identified students who required more individualized attention and determined ways to better serve all ...
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