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Learning Disabilities Contributors/Patterns Scholarly Article Critique

Learning Disabilities Contributors/Patterns Scholarly Article Critique


Clinical neuropsychology is an applied science concerned with the behavioral expression of brain dysfunction and derived from the clinical neurosciences with major contributions from the field of psychology. Neuropsychological evaluations identify and clarify diagnosis, patient care and planning, treatment evaluation, planning and remediation, with both neurological and psychiatrically impaired populations; however, it involves in the production of research and for forensic purposes. Neuropsychological assessments consist of an evaluation of the patient's cognitive and psychological functioning. This information is obtained via obtaining a concise history of the patient's psycho-social, medical and legitimate functioning, and the administration, typically of a standard battery of tests.

The addition or subtraction of specialized tests is contingent upon the formulation of hypotheses, the referral question, as well as the patient's strengths, weaknesses and any potential influencing variables, such as medical conditions. In the realm of diagnosing, neuropsychological evaluations are used to discriminate between psychiatric and neurological symptoms, differentiating between neurological conditions and providing information related to localization of lesions. Neuropsychological evaluations can also determine the benefits of rehabilitation and remediation services.

Objective and Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the neuro psychological disorder among the Hispanic students. It was to disseminate consciousness regarding the influence of culture in the process of assessment, with the finality of increasing the quality of services rendered to Hispanics patients.


In the realm of research, neuropsychological outcomes are used to provide information related to neurological disorders, and brain activity and it is relation to behavior. It is indicated that more so in the U.S. than in other countries; neuropsychological information is being utilized for forensic purposes such as in individual injury and criminal cases. With the ever-growing number of Hispanics in the U.S., it is increasingly relevant that the field of neuropsychology also be applicable to working with this population. The focus of this paper will address how Hispanic culture, as defined by the following demographic variables, culture, level of acculturation, education and language, influence neuropsychological assessment outcomes. The following is a description of the Hispanic population in terms of the need for attention in the field of neuropsychology in the U.S., as well as a review of the literature discussing the aforementioned demographic variables as impinging upon neuropsychological performance outcomes. In the United States, the terms Hispanic and Latino are used interchangeably in the literature meant to address the population of individuals who currently reside in the United States, and whose country of origin is Latin America and/or Spain (Acevedo, 2007).

The official dictionary of the Castilian language, defines the term Latino as individuals whose language is derived from Latin, which includes countries such as those pertaining to Latin America, Spain, Portugal, but also countries such as France, Italy and Romania. In the United States, the term is used to describe individuals from Latin American countries that currently reside in the United States. However, this definition would include countries such as Belize, Brazil, and ...
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