Leading In A Changing World

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Leading In a Changing World

Leading In a Changing World


Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many leaders and their actions have changed the course of the world, sometimes positively and negatively, but in the end change generates tangible things. In a world where technological developments are progressing exponentially, they have increasingly been monitoring the behavior of mankind, it is amazing we can communicate instantly from both ends of the world, mobile telephony and the Internet have transformed the way in which we conceptualize the world, and children now have a very different view as compared to the earlier generations. The topic selected for the study is based on relevance and importance of this emerging question of “leading in a changing world”. The advancement of telecommunications, transport and transfer of technology has driven an irreversible process of globalization of markets for products and services. To play a leading role in this changing world, interdependent and demanding, entrepreneurs and high achievers are not limited certainly to plan, organize, direct and control (Landy, 2009).

Now, a couple of years of this century, the world-class business has developed and acquired new knowledge, skills and abilities. To achieve the productivity, quality and social responsibility demanded by our societies, successful entrepreneurs have to become strategists with a global vision for business. The strengthening of emerging economies has fostered a readjustment of economic power from West to East. As a result, have formed a global economic blocks that promote side-by-cooperation and regional protectionism and, on the other hand, interregional competition and interdependence. Given these trends palpable, countries that wish to operate worldwide demand greater productivity, consumers aware of their rights demand products and quality services, and citizens concerned about their well-being of the productive sectors demand greater social responsibility.


Leadership is a concept used in many different contexts with an array of meanings. Accordingly, there is a lack of common understanding as to what leadership is and what constitutes strong leadership. Every day, organizations are faced with many challenges to find the path of growth and remain competitive (Julia, 2007).Beyond the innovations, marketing and strategic models, the biggest challenge organizations is to recognize, mobilize and develop tomorrow's leaders. As borders fall and the for talent increases, organizations are seeking new ways to form those who will take over and allow to stand. Too often, developments of leadership, initiatives are isolated or fragmented mentees. Links with business strategy the organization are not made. The leaders therefore, worried more impact of the lack of leadership in their organization. They are looking for ways to meet this challenge (Landy, 2009).

In the twentieth century, paradigm of success and leadership was shown by the economic growth, personal success, with consumerism as a manifestation of power. The twenty-first century requires basically a leadership ethic of solidarity and responsibility, which involves numerous challenges: to find a process of globalization increasingly rampant in some areas and behind in some, having multiple ethical lives that respond to different cultures in their social ...
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