Leadership Styles In Professional Nursing

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Leadership styles in Professional Nursing

Leadership styles in Professional Nursing

Leadership is described as a process of influence, whether between individuals or between groups, in order to achieve the goals implemented in different fields of work when there is a person able to lead a group of ideas to benefit a particular common purpose that person is called a Leader. Thus, leadership becomes important when one notes that the world is now more competitive and volatile, technological changes, international competition, freedom of thought and the changing demographics of the workforce, without a doubt are factors leading to this change and that in turn drive the holistic exchange between people, strengthening their working tools and the motivation to perform all activities in an excellent manner. (Medley, 1995)

Stressing that the function of leadership is to generate change in various aspects, people, communities, organizations, etc. The ability to point the direction of that change is essential to lead in all situations of life, working in different fields and of course people who are responsible for building large projects and in like in most forming processes, there must be solid foundations that support its principles. It is worth noting that there are several meanings of nursing care offering the following definition of care, "It is a natural way to interact with another by whom one feels commitment and responsibility. This is a meaning that all have to make several questions about the quality of care and attention given to an individual. Finally, nursing care is related to the interest and importance given to patients, families, groups and communities, and the courtesy and closeness with each of them. (Nakata, 1994)

To exercise leadership in nursing care modalities, the practitioner has an important role in the development and selection of the plan take place for the provision of services, based on theories and models, taking into account the resources with which count, this will allow the nurse involved in the planning of care. Thus the leadership challenge is to balance the risks and take the implementation of a model. However, the work performed by the nurse in these areas will be reflected in decisions, the distribution of resources, autonomy, conflict management, communication and the strategies chosen to motivate people who will be part of an interdisciplinary team. For all this to be done to see how integrated and relevant in the professional leadership of nursing roles that professional field must be developed. Leadership is applicable in each of the modalities of care and the roles played by the professional nursing care for the person, family, groups and communities. (Grossman, 2000)

In the forms of care is community health, hospital or health. Among the roles the nurse plays are welfare, education, management, research and consultant. Thus the leadership in nursing roles can be defined as an interpersonal influence process through which a customer support in the establishment and achievement of objectives towards improved well-being also refers to translating the innovative ideas action or influence individuals or ...
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