My first impression of what qualities leadership entails was belief in oneself, initiative to action, outspokenness, moral rights, the ability to lead by example, and humility. Also, a leader has to have total confidence, but over the past few months. I discovered a lot more than all those qualities and that it takes a lot more to become a good leader. I learned a lot about myself that I never knew before and I am more assured in my abilities to lead. This class has taught me a lot about leadership, and also now that I think about it, my dad is a real leader and he has taught me a lot about life.
Throughout the paper I will relate a lot of my leadership experience back to him and also the readings and activities in class. Now I am aware of the concept of leadership in all aspects of what I do in life, I never thought that the simple things I do like being organized or helping others can be considered as leadership traits. I think knowing about my leadership style, teamwork, goal setting, ethics, diversity, conflict, and organization will help me become a better leader. I believe I am a better person and leader than before when I didn't really put a lot of emphasis on becoming a leader. This class has helped me realize the potentials I have to become a future leader. I am a big believer in that being a leader can help make a difference in the community and at work and hopefully someday in the whole world.
A good leader knows the importance of teamwork. In the past I thought there were not many elements that could contribute to the success of the team. All I knew was that we just needed to do our parts and come together later to do our project, there was not a leader or any planning at all, but now I know that for the team to succeed, teamwork is crucial. The first step for the team is to agree on a leader. The leader needs to set goals for the team and see that it gets accomplished in time. Being the leader of a group is a hard task and I think that the leaders needs to keep the team members in line, keep them all happy, and keep them on task. The success of the leader depends on how well the team does and if the team fails, the leader is responsible for the failure.
I know that I cannot always be the leader of the team, because there are times where I have no idea what we are doing or if I am capable of doing it well, so I am always open to follow whoever I think is competent enough to be the leader of team. Then I can learn from the leader and in the future apply what I learned from following to leading a ...