The paper develops understanding of the transmission metaphor, whilst theoretical perspectives on leadership are reviewed, including debates, which shed light on the concept by focusing on the phenomenon of distributed or dispersed leadership. This article focuses on leadership and management in business practice. For this purpose the paper discusses the difference between leadership and management and the reasons of difficulties and the separation of these concepts into practice. In addition, the paper will discuss the popularity of feature-spotting themes in research management and the fact that the devil-spotting guides to follow on the individual markers to obtain successful leaders.
Leadership in business
Thesis statement
Finding the difficulties faced when separating leadership and management concepts in practice and the difference between leadership and management.
This paper focuses on the Leadership and management in the business practices. For the purpose of this essay I will be discusses the difference between leadership and management and the reasons behind difficulties while separating these concepts in practice. Furthermore the paper will discuss the popularity of trait-spotting theme in leadership research and things that trait-spotting directs to follow about personality markers to get successful leaders.
Difference between Leadership and Management
Leadership and management are not entirely different, but they are different in many ways. Comparing leadership and management is more accurately the comparison of a combination of strong leadership and managements kill with a level of management skill where the leadership component is missing. (Stogdill, 1948, 35-71) It is a difficult comparison to make explicitly, but examples in real life abound! The following matrix offers a good grouping of characteristics to think about for project managers:
Leadership Skills
Management Skills
More concerned with vision
More concerned with implementation than the vision
Oriented toward driving change,
and anticipating environmental changes
Oriented toward adapting to change, not taking the initiative
Concerned with dynamics of a situation, which provides hints on how to leverage or shape; concerned with setting or changing the culture
Concerned more with technique; sometimes preoccupied with maintaining order and the status quo, but otherwise with adapting to the culture
Concerned with empowering
Concerned with BEING empowered
Actions demonstrate skill, but are strongly character based
Actions tend to be more strongly skill-based
More concerned with positive possibilities
More concerned with negative consequences
Concerned with building and/or reshaping the organization; willing to use skills of persuasion to advance vision and ideas of possibilities - regardless of position
Concerned with filling out the prescribed organization; adopt behavior and attitudes according to level or position; tend to be more protective of position, information, and knowledge; may feel that a situation is out of their control or influence
Understand their strengths and weaknesses, and are willing to learn from their mistakes and grow; able and interested in helping others do the same
Tend to avoid risks for self protection, and hence growth is more limited; might understand strengths and weaknesses, but unaware of how to manage them to achieve goals
See relationships as opportunities for growth; personal goals in alignment with organizational goals; recognize that interdependence is the best way to achievement