In this study we try to explore the concept of Business leadership and business integration in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on leadership and its relation with business integration. This paper looks into the changing attitudes of regular (mainstream) education teachers towards the implementation of inclusion of special need students. This paper tries to take into account the need for a improve understanding of Business Integration towards organization.
Table of Content
Business Leadership4
Planned Change Process5
Diagnosis of the Situation5
Determination of the Desired Situation5
Determination of Courses of Action to Follow6
Implementation of Actions6
Evaluation of Results6
Leadership in a New Global Era7
John Kotter's Model9
Leadership Competencies, Characteristics, and Considerations That the Plant's Executive Team Should Use When Hiring New Managers and Supervisors for the Plant9
Leadership Structure12
Strategic Environment of the New Manufacturing Plant14
SWOT Analysis14
Business Leadership and Business Integration
Leadership, There are people who are distinguished from all others, not by natural talent or knowledge but for his ability to inspire others to dream and make your dreams come true, to generate passion and energy into everything they do and transmit it to the people around them. Their role, there is a huge difference between being a leader and being a boss, which is limited to meet senior managers and find that the people around you do what is required. The leader is someone respected, admired, and followed by his team. He builds the best conditions for your organization forward, always giving the example, and implementing projects from start to finish. A leader known for creating the future promotes and directs the changes in your life and the organization he works for, is sociable, promotes its growth and the people around you, is tolerant, flexible, and takes risks. (McCauley, 2003)
Business Leadership
If you ask any group of professionals: What are the best leaders? Answers are usually the most varied nature. The good and excellent leaders set the strategy, motivating the group, develop a mission, creating a corporate culture. However, when asked: What should make better leaders? If the group is composed of experienced professionals, it is likely that the correct answer is unanimous: "the main task of leaders is to achieve successful results and positive”. (Reilly, 2005)
Leadership can be defining as the ability to positively influence, other human beings to achieve a purpose whatsoever. If you look carefully, in recent years there has been a special interest in all cultures around the world for leadership, especially the human group business, politicians, etc. and to the philosophical and reflective progress that has reached the issue, the leadership has strengthened and become a necessity in an alternative mediator of achievement and human potential manager. The leadership is then the process of influencing people to achieve their goals. (McCauley, 2003)
Planned Change Process
The planned change process consists of five stages
Diagnosis of the situation
Determination of the desired situation
Determination of courses of action to follow
Implementation of actions
Evaluation of the results
Diagnosis of the Situation
Includes all activities aimed at achieving a clear view of the situation so that we ...