Leadership Case Study

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Leadership Case Study

Leadership Case Study


This paper is based on the effective communication during evening shift change regarding a patient who speaks Spanish. The case study will highlights the several sub topics of the effective communication between the nurse and patient. Similarly, the paper will discuss about the nursing communication process, its importance, and barriers to effective communication in nursing, challenges of the nursing profession, ways to ensure a quality nurse workforce through staff development etc.

Nurses broadcast on a kind of grades, utilizing a variety of channels, in the clinical natural environment with patients, their relations and important other ones as well as multi-disciplinary wellbeing care employees to consign optimal wellbeing care routinely utilizing interpersonal, small-group and organizational communication. During nursing connection distinct schemes are engaged to verbally and non-verbally drive and obtain data to competently consign healthcare, express empathy, pursue principles, methods and measures pertaining to connection and to boost the therapeutic relationship.

Effective communication has been shown to influence the rate of patient recovery, effective pain control, adherence to treatment regimens, and psychological function. Ineffective communication has been linked to adverse effects on patient compliance with recommended treatment regimes and to increased stress. Complaints by patients focus not on a abridgement of analytic adequacy per se, but rather on a perceived abortion of advice and an disability to abundantly back a faculty of care (Ellis, 2004). Communication, therefore, is the basal apparatus for the development of nurse/patient relationships.

3 Learning Objectives of the Case Study

To identify the importance of effective communication between the nurse and patient whose native language is not English.

To identify the barriers to effective communication in nursing profession.

To highlight the principles of communication in Nurse-Patient relationship.

The Communication Process in Nurse-Patient Relationship

Communication is crucial in all aspects of daily life, especially in a Health care organization. Barriers are always going to present, but can be improved upon by committing to become a better listener, speaker, and writer. Communication is a difficult skill to master, but with hard work and dedication individuals can communicate effectively. Nurses communicate on a variety of levels, using a range of channels, in the clinical environment with patients, their relatives and significant others as well as multi-disciplinary health care staff to deliver optimal health care commonly using interpersonal, small-group and organizational communication. During nursing communication different strategies are employed to verbally and non-verbally send and receive information to effectively deliver healthcare, convey empathy, follow policies, procedures and standards relating to communication and to encourage the therapeutic relationship.

Russell (1999) states that good communication may boost patient recovery, whereas poor communication can be distressing for both nurse and patient and might even have tragic consequences. Laughter defends the body from barrel and gastrointestinal diseases and it determinants the heart rate to boost, respiring to make deeper and sinews to contract. Relaxation next laughing out blaring decreases the heart rate, body-fluid force and sinew tension. The doctor is far more probable to get response from the persevering if they are adept to broadcast competently and have ...
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