Leadership And Teamwork

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Leadership and Teamwork

Leadership and Teamwork


Leadership concept is used in many contexts with an array of meanings. Accordingly, there is a lack of common understanding as to what leadership is and what constitutes a good leadership. Leadership is an important concept for professionals working in different organizations. The leadership takes place in all aspects of an organization, and professionals can influence leadership in the organization and the larger community from any level of an organization. To engage in leadership or to enhance and demonstrate leadership skills, one must not be the CEO or a member of the board of directors (Zaccaro, 2007, 16).

Leadership is understood as a process or activity in which people are mobilized to create a positive change. Note that the definition identifies leadership as a process or activity in which many people can partake (not a position or skill), and it involves creating change (not maintaining the status quo). So why should we focus on and care about leadership? On an individual or personal level, developing leadership capacity is important because it helps to be more effective person and group member, one who can think innovative and initiate changes.

Leadership can be viewed as an activity. In addition, while a leader can engage in leadership, it is important to recognize that leaders do not always engage in leadership, and one need not hold the title of leader to engage in leadership. Reframing this common misconception that only a leader can do leadership is important, especially because people who are not in leadership positions can still make a positive difference and contribute to the leadership process (Stephen, 2005, 232).

Leadership is emphasized as an activity, or something someone does. In other words, what someone does is more important than what someone is capable of doing. To engage effectively in leadership, one must develop a range of leadership skills and capacities. The definition of leadership cited at the beginning contains a key word "voluntarily", which could also be translated as "willingly." It is not just to influence people, but to do so to voluntarily committed, in the corresponding objectives. Therefore, we exclude the influence concept of leadership based on coercion. It can be concluded that leadership and motivation are two sides of the same coin, where the first look at the leader and the second to his followers, therefore, we can also say that lead is to cause motivation (Jack, 2005, 5).

Impact of Management and Leadership Styles on Teamwork

We all are aware of the ever-changing styles and forms of leadership styles that all individuals have melded and transformed according to their need, styles, difference or simply inability to adopt or deliver certain traits or qualities required. Considering leadership styles that have been emitted by individuals around the world and in several organizations, Kurt Lewin, one of the pioneers in the field of managerial skills and expertise, has put forth and identified three key and distinct styles of leadership:

Autocratic or Authoritarian Style

As the title suggests, autocratic leadership has been in the books ...
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