Leadership And Teamwork

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Leadership and Teamwork

Leadership and Teamwork


The most commonly known interpretation of management is getting things (work) done through other in an effective and efficient manner by utilizing all the resources. Management is a general term and subject to many interpretations. At its most basic, management can be viewed as making things happen. Management is a complex and discursive subject and, despite the widespread use of the term, it is not easy to find agreement on a simple yet comprehensive definition of management or a manager. Management is essentially an integrating activity (Hamel, 2007). From Latin managed, the management concept refers to the action and the purpose of managing or administering. Proceedings are to manage for the achievement of a business or any desire. Manage, on the other hand, is to govern, direct, order, arrange or organize.


The term management, therefore, involves the set of procedures that performed to resolve an issue or realize a project. Management is also the direction or management of a company or business. There are different types of management. The social management, for example, involves the construction of various spaces for social interaction. The project management, meanwhile, is the discipline that is responsible for organizing and managing resources so that you can realize all the work required for a project within defined time and budget (Hamel, 2007). Another style of management is the knowledge management. It is a concept applied in the organizations, which refers to the transfer of knowledge and experience between its members.

Functions of Management

The functions performed by the management uniquely describe the role of the manager. The most basic and widely known prominent functions of management are planning, organizing leading and controlling.


Leadership defined as "activity influencing people, to voluntarily strive, to achieve the objectives of the group." Per group meant a small group, a branch of the organization, organization, etc. Because, what matters here is the leadership in the organizational field, from now on use the word "organization" to mean taken as a whole or any sector or group of compounds. (Allen, 2008) From, this definition emerges two key areas of leadership:

The intellectual process of thinking about the objectives of the organization.

The human factor that is influencing people to willingly be committed in achieving the objectives.

Characteristics of a Leader

Communication skills in leader - The communication identified as one of the most important factors of success or failure of a project.

Dedication - Strategic leader's commitment to long-term survival and prosperity of organizations (Bass, 2000).

Passion - Leaders must love the organization and the goals. Must have the desire to put before the company targets above all else, requires passion.

Credibility - Leaders do what they say. The coherence of actions and words is essential.

Extraordinary ability - The strategic leader must be the best in a key aspect of the company and be able to turn this into something varying quality.

Flexibility and willingness to relinquish power - The strategic leader understands that since no solution is durable, the company must anticipate and respond quickly and decisively to ...
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