Leadership And Management

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Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management


Leadership is an important aspect of management. The ability to exercise effective leadership is one of the keys to being effective administrator, likewise the full exercise of all other elements of the administration (conducting administrative work with all that it entails) has important consequences for certainty that an administrator will be an effective leader, managers must perform all functions that pertain to their role in order to combine human and material resources in meeting objectives. The key to this is the existence of clear roles and a degree of discretion or authority to support the actions of administrators (Ali & Amirshahi, 2002).

The essence of leadership is followers. In other words, what makes a person a leader is the willingness of people to follow? Also, people tend to follow those who offer ways to satisfy their wants and needs.

Leadership and motivation are closely interrelated. If you understand the motivation, will be better appreciated what people want and the reason for their actions. Similarly, and as noted in the previous chapter, in addition to being able to respond to the motivations of subordinates, leaders also may favor or hinder through the organizational environment that they create. These two factors are so important to the leadership and the administration (Bu & Craig, 2001).

An Inspiring Leader

Francois Desjardins has always had a head for business. Francois Desjardins 39 years and holds a high position in the hierarchy of the company for some time. He handles so many employees younger and older than him for many years (Creswell, 2005). He adapts his management style accordingly. Inspiration is something that does move through example and lifestyle, not simply isolated actions that may be caused by a certain time. True leaders are the work shared between God and the person himself in a process that lasts a lifetime. God takes care of going shaping our character and temperament to become people of influence that inspire others to achieve. It is the essence of our being that God is enough to make excellent leaders because he himself chose her for the purpose it has for our lives (Bidmeshgipour, 2009).

Some people might think "do not have enough" to be leaders or "not born to be leaders," but that contradicts what the Bible said in Genesis to indicate that we have created in the image and likeness of God that is a leader. Indeed, this similarity we have with God is what gives us all the gift of being leaders why? For all more or less have the ability to influence our environment. Each word we speak, every act we perform our daily life is in constant progress of influence and that delegates all the responsibility of leadership.

Attributes of Inspirational Leader

Being a role model

Set ambitious goals

Set direction and vision

Communicating powerfully

Developing people

Being a good partner and good team player

Encouraging innovation

An Uninspiring Leader

Maady has been among the top executive in his company. His leadership style has been criticized many time times by it contemporary ...
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