Leadership And Management

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Leadership Skills and Strategic Management

Table of Contents


Task 13

Strategic Management and Leadership Link3

Impact of Leadership and Management Styles on Strategic Decisions3

Leadership Styles Adapted to Different Situations4

Task 24

Impact of Selected Leadership and Management Theories on Organizational Strategies4

Creating Leadership Strategy Supporting Organizational Directions4

Task 35

Using Suitable Methods for Reviewing Existing Requirements of Leadership5

Planning Developments for Situations in Future Requiring Leadership5

Task 45

Planning Leadership Skills Development for Specific Requirements5

Usefulness of Methods Used for Planning Leadership Skills Development6



Leadership Skills and Strategic Management


Strategic management and leadership is a vital component of an organization. Both play a very important part in the success of the organization. A strong leader is essential to lead the entire team towards success. While a sting leader is important, without a proper strategic management plan, the leader cannot acquire productivity and profits for the organization. This paper highlights the different aspects of the strategic management and leadership. Furthermore, the importance is on discussion regarding leadership, various styles and theories of leadership, development planning of leadership skills to meet future challenges, and the impact of leadership styles on strategic decision-making.

Task 1

Strategic Management and Leadership Link

The main component of a profitable business strongly depends upon two main features, leadership and effective strategic management. The strategic management and leadership are the most essential skills which should be possessed by organizations. A strong leader can make a company move towards success. Strong leadership skills can be achieved through experience, while strategic management can be learned through taking a specialized course. Some outstanding leaders are born; strategic managements are achieved by consulting management consultants. Both are goal oriented that is both are aiming to achieve the goal, both assemble and make the most of the resources. Management and leadership both involve supervisory functions. Furthermore, both work with people (Blake 2009, 37).

Alternatively, management is the organizing and planning of operations and projects, assigning assets to decrease costs and increase advantages, directing procedures and practices, establishing controls to measure the efficiencies and effectiveness. Management is concerned with present activities and the immediate results of those activities. Leaders seek improvement in every work they do. They know when to communicate and when to motivate their followers. The leaders understand them well and know what they can do. The inspiring capability of the leader determines his capability to work as the one who make people understand him.

However, the strategic management and leadership depend on one another. A leader cannot achieve success without a proper strategic management plan. While, strategic management needs a leader to get implemented. Leadership without management will only give you a short-time pleasure because more probable than not. Management without leadership also goes the same way. With strategic management, you only have the right ingredients but you do not have the authority to implement them. There are no such goals, missions and visions to follow as there will not be a well defined direction.

Leaders are on the long-term basis as they have vision, they are pro active with excitement for work while managers are ...
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